Why are there no Khajiit or Wood Elf wife/husband options? I know its not a big deal or anything, but why not? I found it saddening that I wouldn't be able to marry my own race as a Khajiit, and there are marriageable high elves and dark elves but no wood elves? It just kind of seems unfair to those who chose either one of those races. Anyways I'm just wondering what other people would think of this.
Why are there no Khajiit or Wood Elf wife/husband options? I know its not a big deal or anything, but why not? I found it saddening that I wouldn't be able to marry my own race as a Khajiit, and there are marriageable high elves and dark elves but no wood elves? It just kind of seems unfair to those who chose either one of those races. Anyways I'm just wondering what other people would think of this.
There is alot of support for this as was pointed out in a previous thread. Looks like it was just an oversight by Bethesda. I'd be surprised if they don't correct it before a dlc or goty.
I expect this will be added in a dlc or something, although aside from more races they need to actually make the marriage system more deep. Adding more npc's to marry won't acheive that by itself
There is alot of support for this as was pointed out in a previous thread. Looks like it was just an oversight by Bethesda. I'd be surprised if they don't correct it before a dlc or goty.
I'm just hoping that we can catch the attention of someone from Bethesda
Yeah, I agree. We need Male and Female Khajiits and Bosmer, and a Male Altmer. My female Altmer is getting lonely, and my male Bosmer had to settle with Aela.