During my previous thread (not too successful) about the DB, I started realizing new possiblities in Faction. The DB should stay classed as "Evil" and so should the Thieves Guild. But I feel each Faction should have a "counter-faction" for people with the opposite moral standing. What If I want to be a stealth character, but I want to be a good/honourable guy too? Does that mean I'm not aloud to join any factions anymore? I cant join the DB - They're Evil. And maybe If Im lucky the Thieves Guild may arguably be more "honourable" without giving me a bad reputation. Maybe a counter to the DB - such as a seperate (assassin?) group? Maybe they are at silent war with the DB, but at the same time I'm assassinating people who deserve to die, but may have conenction which keep them out of the reach of guards. ( Not the greatest detailed I know, but bare with me).
And on the other side of things, what of Warriors and mages? Shouldnt mages be aloud to convert to Necromancy? And what if there is another "Evil" Rivaling group to the Fighters Guild (Companions), maybe the Blackwood Company have risen once again, why shouldnt Evil Warriors have that option to JOIN them? There should be a Faction (or two?) for every character regardless of what their aspired Morality or play-style is. My stealthy character always felt forced to be evil, because other than the Main Quest and Side Quests, the only suitable Factions were also Evil. I HATED that. I just hope there is more variety for each character this time, although we have seen there are some new factions such as the Storm Cloaks, are all the Factions balanced in terms of Play-style/Karma etc?
Is it reasonable for me to want this? Or is it too excessive?