More Moral Variety in Guilds.

Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:06 pm

During my previous thread (not too successful) about the DB, I started realizing new possiblities in Faction. The DB should stay classed as "Evil" and so should the Thieves Guild. But I feel each Faction should have a "counter-faction" for people with the opposite moral standing. What If I want to be a stealth character, but I want to be a good/honourable guy too? Does that mean I'm not aloud to join any factions anymore? I cant join the DB - They're Evil. And maybe If Im lucky the Thieves Guild may arguably be more "honourable" without giving me a bad reputation. Maybe a counter to the DB - such as a seperate (assassin?) group? Maybe they are at silent war with the DB, but at the same time I'm assassinating people who deserve to die, but may have conenction which keep them out of the reach of guards. ( Not the greatest detailed I know, but bare with me).

And on the other side of things, what of Warriors and mages? Shouldnt mages be aloud to convert to Necromancy? And what if there is another "Evil" Rivaling group to the Fighters Guild (Companions), maybe the Blackwood Company have risen once again, why shouldnt Evil Warriors have that option to JOIN them? There should be a Faction (or two?) for every character regardless of what their aspired Morality or play-style is. My stealthy character always felt forced to be evil, because other than the Main Quest and Side Quests, the only suitable Factions were also Evil. I HATED that. I just hope there is more variety for each character this time, although we have seen there are some new factions such as the Storm Cloaks, are all the Factions balanced in terms of Play-style/Karma etc?

Is it reasonable for me to want this? Or is it too excessive?

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sam smith
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:25 am

Well the thieves guild does not steal from the poor (aka beggars) and does not kill people. So RP as you are a robin hood type theif steal from the rich give to the poor
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:43 am

the Thieves work for good. they steal from evil people and the rich imperial's. kinda like the Cooper gang from Sly cooper. amd the DB had reasons to kill their targets if their wasent a reason they wouldn't have been targeted to get whacked. although the fact they worship an antichrist of sorts is stupid and pretty evil to me <_<
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:47 am

the Thieves work for good. they steal from evil people and the rich imperial's. kinda like the Cooper gang from Sly cooper. amd the DB had reasons to kill their targets if their wasent a reason they wouldn't have been targeted to get whacked. although the fact they worship an antichrist of sorts is stupid and pretty evil to me <_<

The DB dont necessarily have any reasons beyond money, and the fact that someone anonymously prayed to the Night-Mother because they want someone dead. For all we know the majority if people were probabally In-Laws.

And the thieves guild although were technically "Good" you were still considered Evil. And you may steal from the rich, but you dont give to the poor either. You steal an Elder Scroll! -_-
Infact alot of the things you steal arent rightfully yours, or anyones in the Thieves guild, such as Skriivas ring, That bust of the countess was used to frame someone, but nonetheless you still stole it. And needless to say the Elder Scroll you steal at the end :S it just bothered me.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:49 am

Perhaps (and this is a long shot) we might get a Morag Tong counter-balance to the Dark Brotherhood.

Herma-Mora (The Woodland Man): Ancient Atmoran demon who, at one time, nearly seduced the Nords into becoming Aldmer. Most Ysgramor myths are about escaping the wiles of old Herma-Mora. Also called the Demon of Knowledge, he is vaguely related to the cult origins of the Morag Tong ('Foresters Guild'), if only by association with his brother/sister, Mephala.

A guild of woodland assassins? Let's hope.
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:21 pm

the Thieves work for good. they steal from evil people and the rich imperial's. kinda like the Cooper gang from Sly cooper. amd the DB had reasons to kill their targets if their wasent a reason they wouldn't have been targeted to get whacked. although the fact they worship an antichrist of sorts is stupid and pretty evil to me <_<

Id like to know what Adamus Phillida had coming to him, other than being a "damn meddling kid" that is
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:58 am

Agree. What I find more important though is that the existing guilds are in-depth. After that comes variety and many guilds for different characters. Oblivion's guilds were hardly interesting and rarely gave much possibilities for role playing. I had to imagine pretty much everything because the game didnt give me much. The factions gave me little background or lore, not much opinions they hold, not much principles and barely any ideals or morals they uphoald. Especially the mages guild and fighters guild were pretty blank. Perhaps that was the idea but at least some more interesting guilds should be included. Like the great houses in Morrowind. If someone belongs to a faction or a guild he should know what the particular faction/guild is like and it should tell something about him. There should be possibilities to learn about them and they should be more willing to express their ideals and principles. In Morrowind there were a few such factions. Telvanni especially were really interesting. They actually told me what they think and that was the faction my characters usually ended up joining. Same goes for other houses as well but the Telvanni was the most interesting from my perspective. Provides for a much more immersive experience if the guilds and factions are in-depth and something more than just places to get nice items and gold from. There should be lots of choices in guild and faction quest lines too.
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:16 am

Tbh I had the same idea for a counter-guild against the dark brotherhood.I suggested the return of the Morag Tong(dumb I know), but it would make sense since they are far more honourable than the DB and that Morrowind had its culture replaced with Imperialistic ideals so the Morag Tong could of easily relocated to Skyrim to avoid becoming imperialistic or being hunted down when assassination by the Morag Tong was illegalized by the emporer.
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:28 pm

I would love it if Morag Tong made a sudden return. Us stealth players want to be able to be good guys too! (Not that Morag Tong is good in the common sense but...)
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:43 am

First off, black-and-white good and evil morality isn't something that TES usually works with. HOWEVER, I do agree with the spirit of the OP in the sense of "we need more choice and consequence in factions. But rather than, say, have you be able to join one of two factions (Dark Brotherhood vs Morag Tong, Necromancers vs Mages Guild) I think that there should be multiple ethical dilemmas within each faction. For example, in Morrowind and Bloodmoon, there were two factions that let you side with either the boss (usually much more selfish and destructive, but theoretically the safer bet) and a more upstanding underling. While I think some factions should be mutually exclusive, I don't think there should be moral pidgeonholes.
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:18 am

Tbh I had the same idea for a counter-guild against the dark brotherhood.I suggested the return of the Morag Tong(dumb I know), but it would make sense since they are far more honourable than the DB and that Morrowind had its culture replaced with Imperialistic ideals so the Morag Tong could of easily relocated to Skyrim to avoid becoming imperialistic or being hunted down when assassination by the Morag Tong was illegalized by the emporer.

This is not "dumb" as you say. You've actually hit on a rather sound idea. The DB and Tong HATE each other.

Therefore you have a chaotic/evil group (DB) pitted against their enemy, a lawful/neutral/evil group (MT).

Makes fairly good sense.
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:31 am

I would like spears and crossbows and throwing weapons to be in the game. I'd also like the falmer as a playable race. I'd like H2H to be a viable skill with H2H weapons... Too bad Bethesda doesn't isn't going to wait another 5 years to release this game.
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Catherine N
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:24 am

I'd like something akin to the House system in Morrowind. Aside from good stories, they reflected an aspect of Morrowind's culture each with their own take on the Empire, other races, and skills. Although some are better than none, unless if these few factions are dynamic, they'll just be prettied up versions of Oblivion's guilds, just with a different name. It be great if we could join the House of Bards, the Witch's Covens, and so on.

If there could be a combination of the faction diversity of Morrowind, combined withe rivalries of Fallout, that be a great game.
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Post » Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:44 am

Also I'd like to throw this in there:In the book its says your Morrowind character, the Nevarine destroyed Morrowind's culture and replaced it with Imperialism and now that theres a conflict within Morrowind I'm sure the Morag Tong would of relocated a while ago to not killed by the Imperial legions or the invading Argonian forces.
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