No more nifty character-customization sliders.

Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:42 pm

I hated and loved the Oblivion sliders. It also took me forever to make a attractive character (namely female ones) but it was always worth it. Even though it got extremely frustrating sometimes it always worked in the end after a few hours of tinkering, saving, reloading, tinkering, saving, reloading, and so on.

this character is one of my recent ones made when Skyrim was announced (from the Xbox console in about 4 hours and needless to say no mods).
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:46 am

The biggest problem wig oblivion was that it didn't have beards, I don't count lower face shadows as beards :P but sounds like that's fixed for Skyrim, YAY!
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:14 am

I'd much prefer presets over the sliders in Oblivion. The ideal would be less extreme slider options, but in this case, presets is the lesser of two evils. It took me over half an hour to get a human-looking face down every time I started a character in Oblivion, and then it was always for naught, because my characters universally came out looking like Keanu Reeves no matter how hard I tried to do something different. Though I've come to believe that this isn't a fault with the game, but my subconscious.
(Seriously, I could teach a class on how to make your Oblivion character look like Keanu Reeves.)
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:49 pm

I've never seen another character that looks like my Mass Effect character. I thought that the face gen was reasonable in the game, though you were only able to make a chracter that looks american. Same with Bloack Prophecy, you're only able to make characters that look german (its a german Dev team). But I thought they were both adequate for what they were trying to do and I was happy with the results.
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:15 am

Although the game itself flunked severely,
All Points Bulletin had one of the most advanced character creation systems ive ever encountered

I doubt the implemention of something so drastic,but it'd definitely blow my mind :D
I'd kill for just body shapes and hairstyle editing alone
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:38 pm

I'll miss Oblivion's facegen, I could create decent faces with it well enough, and when I did, the results felt a lot better than anything that can be accomplished with preset faces, because I actually feel like my character is my own unique creation, I never get that feeling in games like Morrowind that don't let you create you're own original face. And if you ask me, people complaining that they can't create good looking faces in Oblivion either aren't very good at it, or are just too lazy to try. Now, the original faces were kind of bad, but that's not facegen's fault, that's the fault of whoever created those faces. It seems to me that in Skyrim, Bethesda has decided to cater to the lazy people and put allowing players to make good looking faces with little work (And by "make", I mean choose from a set of options created by someone else.) over granting players a lot of room for customization. The end result might make creating good looking characters easier, but it comes at the sacrifice of allowing players to create characters truly all their own. I just hope that there's a lot of options with these preset features, and that players still have a degree of customization with them like changing their size and positioning, otherwise, Skyrim is going to bea HUGE step back from Oblivion in this regard. But no matter how many options are, I doubt we'll have as much customization as Oblivion.

On the plus side, it seems we have the option to customize body shape and add features like scars, which is nice, but there's no reason why a face customization system that gives player a good range of customization should be sacrificed for that.

I'd much prefer presets over the sliders in Oblivion. The ideal would be less extreme slider options, but in this case, presets is the lesser of two evils. It took me over half an hour to get a human-looking face down every time I started a character in Oblivion, and then it was always for naught, because my characters universally came out looking like Keanu Reeves no matter how hard I tried to do something different. Though I've come to believe that this isn't a fault with the game, but my subconscious.

Going back to presets alone would be the worst thing Bethesda could do to character creation, when I play Morrowind, I never feel like I'm playing a character all my own, every time I look at my character. I just feel like I'm looking at someone else's creation, and you know why? Because I am. The face was created purely by a modeler, you might as well just remove character creation entirely if you do that, because the appearance of my current Morrowind character is not much more my own creation than the character in a game where the player is limited to a premade character. In fact, in such games, my character feels more unique than most ones I've made in Morrowind, because at least usually if the character is a pre-defined one, the character probably looks unique. In Morrowind, no matter what face you choose. you can expect to find hundreds of NPCs with a completely identicle face.

Besides, you know, you CAN have both. Fallout 3 and New Vegas did that, you could choose from a list of presets, and just go with them if you want, or if you actually like having a unique character of your own creation, you're free to create one from scratch or modify the presets, now all you need is to make sure all the presets look good, and you're set, players too lazy to make they're own faces can just choose presets, and be done with i.
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carley moss
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:59 pm

Been playing Mass Effect since '07. There is only one size for every set of eyes. The noses and mouth offer minimal customization. The hair looks like it's straight out of the movie Toys. The proportions of the head cannot be changed. It's basically like playing with a Mr. Potato Head. You can say you've never seen a character that looks like yours, but unless you've gone and modified the .ini, I can find hundreds just like yours posted in the "Post your Shepard" threads.
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:04 pm

This is my Shepard
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:33 am

I agree 110% with the OP, if we only get handed out preset noses that can only be adjusted in size and color, give us 30-40 of each category. 40 Base faces for each race, 40 ears for each race, 40 noses, 40 eyes, 40 mouths. 40x40x40x40x40 (102.400.000), or 30x30x30x30x30 (24.300.000) options of making a character in Skyrim for each race, should be enough to give the same unique feel Oblivion had, al though Oblivions was nearly endless.
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:55 am

I hope it's better than just "presets", if we can't have the Oblivion/FO3 sliders. And hopefully it'll be something that can be improved by the modders, if it turns out to be disappointing. (Improved Facial Textures, Enayla Faces, the head06 mesh..... there've been some nice things made for Oblivion.)

(Mass Effect's wasn't too bad.... only problem I had is that I tend to make "thin" faces, and the thin adjustments don't do the whole head, just the face. So at some angles, my FemShep looks like a small face stuck on a round head. Moreso in ME1.)
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:11 pm

I agree 110% with the OP, if we only get handed out preset noses that can only be adjusted in size and color, give us 30-40 of each category. 40 Base faces for each race, 40 ears for each race, 40 noses, 40 eyes, 40 mouths. 40x40x40x40x40 (102.400.000), or 30x30x30x30x30 (24.300.000) options of making a character in Skyrim for each race, should be enough to give the same unique feel Oblivion had, al though Oblivions was nearly endless.

Where do the no sliders come from? I do not remember the source but it stated clearly that it was a combination of preset and sliders, this was why I compared it with the sims who use a system who behaves like this. Think of the presets at a sett of slider settings, you click on a large nose and the nose sliders are set to show it.
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:06 am

Where do the no sliders come from? I do not remember the source but it stated clearly that it was a combination of preset and sliders, this was why I compared it with the sims who use a system who behaves like this. Think of the presets at a sett of slider settings, you click on a large nose and the nose sliders are set to show it.

í've never seen that source, the latest news of the customization I've heard about said we can tweak the size, only the size. But it is good if we have pre-set and sliders, that enables more uniqueness without making horrible monsters all the time.
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:01 am

Where the issue is for me is the horrible lighting/textures shown during the creation menu. You can't really tell what the final character will look like when creating. For me, it never matches.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:22 am

You would think that the Kinect could be used to make a face best suited to your own - however this may not be in the best interests of some people
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:31 am

Characters mostly looked like [censored] anyway so it's better with around 50 preset noses than having a bunch of sliders for ugly, uglier and ugliest.
If there are less than 50, like 10, then I'll be somewhat irritated though but it will still be better than the previous one.
And I do not have a PC able to run the game so I can't mod it with crap to make characters look better, I have to settle with what they give me.
So rather have preset crap that looks good than variations of ugly.
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:13 am

Errr... I'm pretty sure there will be sliders. I simply imagine that the character creation will be more like DA's one, for example, with presets and sliders, but less sliders than before.
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:12 pm

Massive customization: Yes please.
Sliders: Nonononono they were just plain annoying for the most part. That EVE online example is what i want.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:32 am

Although the game itself flunked severely,
All Points Bulletin had one of the most advanced character creation systems ive ever encountered

I doubt the implemention of something so drastic,but it'd definitely blow my mind :D
I'd kill for just body shapes and hairstyle editing alone

Wow awesome! Surely Beth can see that this compared with the shocking slider system are worlds apart. I mean I though the sliders were ok but I hadn't seen this!
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:39 pm

That's actually good news, for once....
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:09 am

You would think that the Kinect could be used to make a face best suited to your own - however this may not be in the best interests of some people

Some people yes and beast race/elf players too :P
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sally R
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:33 pm

As long as we can still make blue Argonians it's all good :D
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:52 pm

Some people yes and beast race/elf players too :P

Hope nobody managed to make an orcish looking orc by importing their own face :)
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:55 am

Hope nobody managed to make an orcish looking orc by importing their own face :)

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Penny Wills
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:55 am

I'll miss Oblivion's facegen, I could create decent faces with it well enough, and when I did, the results felt a lot better than anything that can be accomplished with preset faces, because I actually feel like my character is my own unique creation, I never get that feeling in games like Morrowind that don't let you create you're own original face. And if you ask me, people complaining that they can't create good looking faces in Oblivion either aren't very good at it, or are just too lazy to try. Now, the original faces were kind of bad, but that's not facegen's fault, that's the fault of whoever created those faces. It seems to me that in Skyrim, Bethesda has decided to cater to the lazy people and put allowing players to make good looking faces with little work (And by "make", I mean choose from a set of options created by someone else.) over granting players a lot of room for customization. The end result might make creating good looking characters easier, but it comes at the sacrifice of allowing players to create characters truly all their own. I just hope that there's a lot of options with these preset features, and that players still have a degree of customization with them like changing their size and positioning, otherwise, Skyrim is going to bea HUGE step back from Oblivion in this regard. But no matter how many options are, I doubt we'll have as much customization as Oblivion.

On the plus side, it seems we have the option to customize body shape and add features like scars, which is nice, but there's no reason why a face customization system that gives player a good range of customization should be sacrificed for that.

Going back to presets alone would be the worst thing Bethesda could do to character creation, when I play Morrowind, I never feel like I'm playing a character all my own, every time I look at my character. I just feel like I'm looking at someone else's creation, and you know why? Because I am. The face was created purely by a modeler, you might as well just remove character creation entirely if you do that, because the appearance of my current Morrowind character is not much more my own creation than the character in a game where the player is limited to a premade character. In fact, in such games, my character feels more unique than most ones I've made in Morrowind, because at least usually if the character is a pre-defined one, the character probably looks unique. In Morrowind, no matter what face you choose. you can expect to find hundreds of NPCs with a completely identicle face.

Besides, you know, you CAN have both. Fallout 3 and New Vegas did that, you could choose from a list of presets, and just go with them if you want, or if you actually like having a unique character of your own creation, you're free to create one from scratch or modify the presets, now all you need is to make sure all the presets look good, and you're set, players too lazy to make they're own faces can just choose presets, and be done with i.

It's pretty ignorant to call everyone who couldn't make a decent face lazy and that they need to cater to them, just because you can doesn't mean everyone else can and it definitely doesn't give you the right to call us lazy. It's a well known fact that many people had a hard time with it and it's not like the game was about your characters face, Beth is getting their priorities straight if you ask me. Most people probably want it to be simpler because then they can get to what's important in the game which is gameplay rather than spending an hour or two in the char gen and failing. Deep customization is good but not when it's a hindrance.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:21 pm

I didn't think the sliders were bad, but it was the cause of me starting again, again, again, again...

As was the [censored] levelling system...

But I would prefer it if there were some nice presets for those that just want to pick a face and get moving, but still enough customisation that those who want to create a truly unique character can do so.

Also am I the only one who has played Oblivion on the console and on the PC to whom the PC version seems to have more precisely controlled sliders?

As a side note, I'm sure that in the Game Informer podcast, Todd Howard said that you'd get "more and less" control. I can't quite find a way to put that into a coherent interpretation right now.
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