So its been said by Todd howard that the so-called 'pesky' feature-sliders used to scale and distort your character's features during customization will be non-existent in Skyrim. I, personally, found these sliders handy when trying to make a truelly original look for my character that I knew no one else would have. I can, however, see the purpose behind this. It was obvious when using th sliders, that if you were to make your character's features a bit too extreme, the proportions of the head and face would be warped and look quite rediculous. What shook my nerves was this: Todd howard said that instead of sliders, they have built preset facial features for the characters that we will be able to choose from. The first thing that came to mind was my recently-bought Mass Effect 2. And i thought, "Oh God, pick nose 1, 2 or 3." I am a freak for customizing my character, and making him absolutely outlandish and individual, so I expect nothing less than atleast 40 different presets for each feature, and atleast a few ways to modify them yourself. Summing this up, i feel that Bethesda can either take a step backwards, or a step forwards in a new direction depending all on variety. Input please.