Hey everybody, im not happy...
This game is to big to be so empty...
We need more crap to fill this space...
I have Immersive patrols, I have populated cities, I have expanded cities and towns, but thats not enough!!!
I wont be satisfied until cities have so many people, and enough space to accommodate them, that you can actually get lost in a crowd!!!
Right now there are enough npcs to fill every seat at the Bannered Mare, and you know what I say to that? So what! Oh, you have enough peeps to fill a living room, very impressive... This is one of the major cities of THE WORLD!!! not a neighborhood get-together... There should be a need for several Inns and taverns, several general stores, multiple of everything...
Im kinda cookooh for Coconuts right now as you might be able to tell, but the point still stands!
Dont go nuts, go COCONUTS! GO BIG OR GO HOME!