You will see someone resell it with ridiculous high price, this is the nature of "collector edition".
You will see someone resell it with ridiculous high price, this is the nature of "collector edition".
Has an non pipboy CE even been announced? I would like to buy the CE, but I'm not interested in the pipboy doohickey.
Try searching the forum, this has been covered many times already. they are not making any more. a few places restocked them 2-3 times before they were sold out. this is why you preorder when they get announced.
Well I only saw the Pipboy editions released that one time. I had no idea it was released three times since the June announcement. I didn't have the money the first time I saw it was announced.
Nothing for nothing then the Pipboy edition should have been marketed as a "Limited Edition" and not a CE.
I also find Beth's excuse for not making anymore Pipboy Editions kind of stupid. The company making them can't keep up and can't continue making them? They should've found another company to do it then. They didn't have any issues churning out eleventy billion Aludin statues.
Nice. My local GS shafted me, but I managed to grab one on Bethesda store on a restock.
No, that's what my local shop did as well here in the U.S.
It is not "stupid" because Bethesda used multiple factories (as Pete said) and there are always limits to any product's production run. Other companies use the same factories, after all, and factories can only delay product runs for so long due to deadline dates for delivery.
General comment:
For products that have special extras for Collector's Editions, such versions are not made in vast quantities. You can't compare general collecting of something like pennies or stamps to purchasing a specific product with different versions, one with certain extras and others without those extras. The two types of collections are totally different things because one (product with extras) has to be decided to be made prior to the product being made while the other (pennies or stamps or similar common items) is simply decided to be collected regardless of the items being in general circulation.
For those who want a Pip Boy Edition, keep in mind that just because they are sold out at this point does NOT mean that they are all spoken for. Some of the sales went to people who will resell at exorbitant prices later and some went to various legitimate retailers who will be selling them off the shelf. Just keep your eyes open from Nov 10 onwards.
I checked the Bethesda Store every day for a week before I got lucky enough to get one in the brief out they were on sale again. Those things sold out damn quick.
I'm not sure if Bethesda made fewer CEs than they usually do or if the Fallout 4 CE was just massively popular.
I think it was a combination of issues since this was the first time I had a problem getting a Bethesda CE, almost didn't this time.
Anyone handy with crafting could make a cool looking one out of cheap materials found at thrift stores and garage sales. A junk-yard pipboy would be awesome.
If you could find an old Amazon CE pipboy from FO3 you might have a head start and be able to mod that. The clock that came with it was crap anyway.
I dunno, man. It seems to me there are a lot of options beside just being sad. If you own your emotions and channel that into creativity then it could pay off. Go into any positive cosplay community and they will have ideas on how to make one.
Hey Tallest, I don't know how many of these things they made but they vastly underestimated demand and they flew out the door. I checked during the E3 presentation and there was no CE listing on the Beth store or Amazon, went straight to bed and when I got up at 8am I had a message from a West Coast friend that she had bought one. Immediately went to get mine aaaand everything was sold out.
Fortunately for me, I have no life and was able to spend the next week online on multiple devices 18 hours a day and F5'ed here, Best Buy and Amazon until I got one but for people with jobs and families that wasn't much of an option. Even those alert services that are supposed to text you when an item comes in stock failed for me twice because they sold before the text could even be sent. It's frustrating.
It's not the same but there's a FO4 artbook on Amazon that would make a nice addition to your desk collection. Oh and the mininuke from the FO Anthology is still in stock on the Beth store if you like that.
Not for nothing, but it was. It was always labeled as the "Pip-Boy Edition," not the "Collectors' Edition," (is it "Collector's" or "Collectors'"?), and the images used to advertise it made sure to say it was limited. As seen in the bottom left
As for Alduin, they might have learned their lesson about overproducing the CE. Not because mass producing them "diminishes value." I doubt most fans look at these kinds of things as something to sell down the line anyway, so rarity doesn't really come into play. But because if they make "eleventh billion" of them, and only a quarter of those get sold, they've lost a huge amount of money. Also, it makes them look like a silly company that overestimated the size of their fan base.
I'm curious, was the double post and using the word "repetitive" twice in the same sentence when complaining about repetitive threads intentional?
"Hello, it's the Department of Redundancy Department calling to inform you that we're calling about repetitive repetitive-ness."
wanna know how i secured mine? after the initial wave was sold out, i went on twitter and followed bethesda, then set it to send me a text every single time bethesda tweeted. then one morning my phone started blowing up with them announcing the second wave. so i secured it within seconds of the pre-order going live again. it was pretty easy to find out the info at the right time