Manual of Armour only appears in Oblivion, of course it says that, since the Imperials were revamped for Oblivion.
People are asking for Imperials to go back to being Roman inspired, like every game before Oblivion.
Umm... you mean Redguard and Morrowind. Not
every game Before Oblivion, when Ken Rolston implemented his "Everything must be Shoehorned into a Historical Equivalent, no matter how nonsensical. No Originality" rules. Which is also when we got the Stupidly French Bretons (From the original Anglo/Arthurian-inspired peoples) and the Orcs became Samurai (Why? Just because.)
The Imperial Soldiers in
Daggerfall and
ARENA wore armor more like the Oblivion style, and were an actually intimidating force to even the RedGuards of Sentinel and Breton Knights of High Rock.
So, FYI, the Cyrodiilic Empire was
not originally Roman, and one unimaginative lead developer decided he couldn't stand the idea of a truly unique idea, and thus said. "The Tamriellic Empire is no longer our original, quirky, and unique Cyrodiilic Empire. They are Now Romans because I say so. No Arguing."
From there you can add pauldrons, helmets and other things based on the soldier's role. An imperial soldier's standard issue cannot realistically be a full upper body plate armor and "greaves"(as in TES

Why not? In Tamriel, Light, Medium, and Heavy Armors are distinct, and require training. Once sufficiently trained in the use of Heavy armor like the Legion's in Oblivion, it's comfortable and flexible enough to wear for foot combat. The Gauntlets and boots are a cost consideration, and because Feet and Hands aren't struck as often as Arms, Shoulders, Chest, Waist, and Back (As protected by the Cuirass), nor Legs, Thighs, Shins and Hips (Protected by Greaves).
I don't remember any of my characters having problems fighting in heavy full-plate on the ground.
Like it or not, Tamriel's aesthetic, while slightly more realistic than the deliberately-cartoony World of Warcraft (But not the Warcraft RTS Series) or Warhammer settings, is still more Heroic Fantasy than Medieval History. People hate Two Worlds for trying to rip off
Oblivion. Do we
really want TES to be a Rip-off of