You could say none short of a miracle.

8 yrs on and the consoles get the port on the Crysis 2 engine.
Crytek did what said could not be done....they delivered Crysis (R) to the consoles.
Two day`s ago I took advantage of this and down loaded the game...
With me playing Crysis 2 and the trilogy Crysis 3 on the door step I felt like I need to know how it all started.......

Well I started the game on Delta setting and settled down happy knowing that at the end of this game I would be a little wiser......

3 day`s on and I finished the game.
Although sadly for me it left more questions then it gave me answers.

Playing Crysis 2 without playing Crysis (R) left lots of un answered question like...
Who was prophet where did these Aliens come from & why are they here in our solar system.
How long have they been here.
What or who made the nano suit & how did we acquire it?.

After playing the game some of those question were answered but not all,more to my dis appointment more questions were raised then answered after my journey.
what happened to Nomad?.
What happened when Nomad went back to find Prophet in the sphere?.
Where did the cell come from coz in Crysis there was no mention of them,just the Koreans.
I can probably guess I am not the only one who as so many questions about what really went on or where did people go.

After playing the first Crysis I feel Crytek have left a whole **** storm of un told answers.
Was this deliberate?,was it done to suit the market giving us a more action dare I say it CoD base action game.
At that time of Crysis 2 the market was all full of them clones.

I believe it could also be that a lot of console users would not have had the chance to play Crysis (R).
So may be they had to deliver the story like they did,but dam they went right off the path in my opinion.
The story and game play even now 8 years old felt for me to tower all over Crysis 2.
I started playing it hoping to fill in the story`s holes from transition from 1 to another.
All it as done is make me more confused.......why Crytek why.

I hope this good community may shed some thoughts on the above?......
I found some interesting theories here