removing repair? What's next, you're gonna hold my hand in the entire game and never once make me feel like I'm in danger? OH GOODIE!~
Repair wasn't a broken mechanic, it actually had it's purposes in armor/weapons. The only weapon I recall having terrible weapon HP was the LAER and Elijah's LAER. That and the idea of Repair was to keep a maintenance over your yeah, it was a chore? That's the entire point? To look at your weapons, check them before firefights, etc. It also made you think ahead of fights about your armor condition because some armor cannot handle sustained firefights well (Leather Armor, reinforced), therefore overtime the DT would drop pretty significantly until your armor broke and you couldn't wear it anymore, and trying to get repairs from a vendor is ludicrous, even at the 100+ Point, as the prices for your weapons would easily hit over 20k in caps.
To me, saying no to repair and maintenance on your items is just dumbing down the entire game to the point you're just going around go "WEEEEEEEE" and not once give a damn, crippling the gritty, dark atmosphere of Fallout. I seriously hope repair is in there.