- It's by increasing skills. You invest points in them, and given the opportunity to select various special attacks and such things. It is basically like a regular perk tree, just that there are certain requirements before you can unlock various perks. What they typically do, so you can see if there is a special attack you like, before deciding whether to use the sword more often to unlock it.
- We have resolved most of these issues. Some of the skills we have, for example, gotten rid of, like "Athletics" and "Acrobatics". For who creates a character and think "I'll role-play a guy who runs"? Much of the repetitive action program is usually just removed.
This is great news IMO. I hated casting spells over and over in a meaningless way to get to Journeyman or Expert level, etc.
Rest in pieces repetitive spell casting! :celebrate: :celebration: My poor fingers can rest.
If we get perks from skills and not from leveling up, then we can obtain much more perks than, for example, 1 perk per level in FO3. Sounds like fun!
So how do you think this will work? what do we get when we level up? increase to Health, Magicka and Stamina only?