Ha! Nice one.
A few screenshots from Eleanor and Fergus' trip from the Imperial City to Bruma and then to Chorrol.
Nice. I remember posing with my very first character and her statue, for any NPCs that walked past.
Lady Saga wants me to post some pictures from this weekend, so here goes. These aren't amazing or anything. It was really hard to get a pic of her without her face totally washing out (cell phone pics do that a lot).
This one's from Skyrim. Can't help posting it, it's so good.
I love the white horses. Fast and fairly hardy too. And dat Skyrim pic!

I'm such an idiot. I've only gone and left Skarsgard's tavern crawl notebook at my parents' house, 60 odd miles away. It had a list of all the places he'd been to, and their ratings. Oh well, I know where
I'm we're up to, I'll just have to carry on using a new piece of paper. (I forgot my toothbrush as well, but I've been to the shop and bought a new one. I'm dead annoyed about the notebook.)

Well anyway, here's one from (Taken at the Brina Cross Inn.) He's since lost that amulet, no idea where it's gone, but it was gone by the time he reached Skingrad, which was next on the list. Must have dropped it by accident. I like the way his chest glows in that picture!