More Screenies!

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:06 am

Decrepit - Love the shot approaching Corinthe. I dont' have that mod.

Lady Mara - Thanks for the nice shot of Rayn!

Mirocu - Bravil is such a beautiful town nestled between forest and river. Nice view of it from across the border.

Here's another of Buffy -
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:30 am

Here's another of Buffy -
Wonderful pic! And I can see what quest she′s about to undertake :yes:
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:36 am

Decrepit, I was drinking coffee when I read your post. Let's just say that I need to clean the table now ... :rofl:
Now where did I put that dishcloth ...?
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Ann Church
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:53 am

I always wanted to try Elsweyr being a khajiit fan. Was always afraid I would botch the installation. Have you played through the quests yet? Is it hard to get up and running?
I've had Elsweyr installed for ages now, so memories of installation are vague. Seems to me that if you get hold of the most recent version and don't go in for any extras (Elsweyr spawned a lot of complementary mods that might or might not interest you) installation is fairly straightforward. I think Iliana (the mod's creator) eventually put all resources in BSA format, keeping it simple. Me, I use the version right before that, with all the resources packed as loose files. About the only extra step you need to take is to disable borders if they aren't off already. And of course apply patches for any conflicting mods you might already run. I'm a big fan of RAEVWD, so also have RAEVWD Elsweyr installed.

No, I've not yet done all the quests. As mentioned, for whatever reason my avatar has not spent much time in Elsweyr this play-through. He spent far more time there last play-through, and did a good many quests, but that was long long ago. I do recall liking the Elsweyr Merchant quest-line a great deal. (My understanding is that it has a definite end, so if you want to keep making merchant runs indefinitely don't do the final turn-in.) Iliana is not currently working on the mod, so some quests remain unfinished. There is an "Unofficial Elsweyr Patch" to correct a number of glitches, btw.

If you graphics subsystem is up to snuff, parts of Elsweyr can be quite visually stunning, and provide a welcome contrast to Cyrodiil's green lushness.

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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:36 am

I keep having such fun with arrows,
It's a dodgy angle but this is the only other screenshot I have as it happened in a fort and it was pretty dark in there.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:01 pm :)
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:25 am

Charleycakes: I love seeing arrows on my characters! Eleanor fought her way through an Oblivion Gate once with an arrow in her head. I once took a screenshot of an arrow in her KNEE, but for some reason none of the screenshots I took on that day ever saved to my computer. I've since downloaded FRAPS though :)

Mirocu: this does please the Madgod! Eleanor was once a resident of Dementia, if not Crucible itself. The place reflected her emotions after the end of the Oblivion Crisis, so she felt a natural attraction to the place, it's residents and it's guards, the Mazken. Lothran is welcome to visit her in New Sheoth anytime, although you may not recognize her ;)
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:27 pm

Tedril Othren is a male dunmer who recently immigrated to Cyrodil via boat from Morrowind. He is kind of confused about what he should do in this new vast world, but he thinks that he will go and simply explore.

He is born under The Tower and specializes in these skills:

Light Armor
Speechcraft, outside the front gate of the Imperial City, ready to begin his adventure.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:06 am

Charleycakes – Lol on the arrow! Nice catch.

Mirocu – Yay! Lothran deep in the SI. As long as he doesn’t work for that Khajiit-hating dweeb who runs the place, Buffy so looks forward to hearing about it.

Blahs – Good luck with Tedril!

Buffy is quietly gliding through a cave in Peryite’s realm, trying to deal with the unbearable heat and the Daedra.
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claire ley
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:23 pm

Thanks =D
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:39 am

Some more of Baa’s screenshots to test how Photobucket resizes things, or not. All of the pics were uploaded with a width of 1024, which is what they resize the “free” stuff to. (Not my usual 1920.) On some of these I cropped my original pic to 1024 and a variable height. Looks like I haven’t found the height limit yet. who works at the Anvil house. from SE corner of the map.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:40 pm

Tedril was relieved to see Pell's Gate after a long visit in a very tiring and difficult dungeon.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:14 pm

A couple of recent shots...
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:42 am

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brenden casey
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:32 pm

Heh. Great photobomb. Pick me a winner dark elf guy!
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:30 pm

Heh. Great photobomb. Pick me a winner dark elf guy!

My character was just there to sell them some vampire dust. Now I'm developing suspicions about what they do with it... ;)
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Tai Scott
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:32 pm

Solitudian: to the head? ouch! Ah yes I've noticed that with mine from skyrim, fraps has brought me heaven for screenshots. In the same screenshot bernadette had an arrow right through her elbow but I've lost the screenshot for that one :S. It's a shame I didn't think to video bits of my latest raid. I did a power punch on an ogre and his body went flying backwards and blood shot right up the I'd literally punched his brains out.

Pahaha, that is brilliant
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:29 pm

My character was just there to sell them some vampire dust. Now I'm developing suspicions about what they do with it... :wink:

'V' is a dangerous narcotic. Mostly dangerous collecting it. That's why there are so many vampire hunters. They're all pushers.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:17 pm

A few screenshots from Eleanor and Fergus' trip from the Imperial City to Bruma and then to Chorrol. :)

@Glarg: I hope you didn't shake that Dunmer's hand!
@Charleycakes: Arrows don't seem to affect the citizens of Tamriel much ;) And apparently it's because I installed Oblivion to the default location, and the screenshots got lost somewhere or something. Either way, it's fixed now.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:06 am

A few screenshots from Eleanor and Fergus' trip from the Imperial City to Bruma and then to Chorrol. :smile:
Haha, it looks like your statue is throwing her staff in the air. :biggrin:
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Lily Evans
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:00 pm

A few screenshots from Eleanor and Fergus' trip from the Imperial City to Bruma and then to Chorrol. :smile:
I captured images of my avatar decrepit avatar at the ruins of the Bruma Siege Crawler during both my two plays-through. They are linked either earlier this thread or near the end of the preceding thread. Oddly, it just now dawns on me that so far as I know I've never captured an image of my avatar at his Bruma statue. I've pretty much abandoned screen-shots, but might make an exception in this case next time he visits Bruma... weather and time of day permitting.

Keeping with the Bruma theme, here's Here's a first play-through capture of my decrepit avatar and Neeshka outside

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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:02 pm

Aye, Groucho is provided by by Emma and CDCooley of Vilja fame. Quite a nifty little mod. You can own up to four donkeys (for sell at the Chorrol stables). They have a wealth of commands and are configurable (such as adjustable carry limit for realism and immersion). This mod quickly became a cornerstone of my installation. I mean, it makes perfect sense an adventurer to travel with ready transport for loot and bulky personal equipment (such as a portable campsite). There is also a pack guar mod available, but those seem out of place in Cyrodiil to me, except as traveling companions for an occasional wandering Morrowind merchant.

Keeping with the donkey theme, here's


I had no idea there were mods that added pack donkey's. That looks awesome.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:49 pm

Haha, it looks like your statue is throwing her staff in the air. :biggrin:

The sculptor didn't quite get her staff right ... It isn't attached to her hand, it would seem! :rofl:

Edit: @Decrepit: I noticed your screenshot - its what inspired me to take on with Eleanor, actually. :) the statues can very interesting - and quite whacky, at times - so I'd look forward to seeing Decrepit's!
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:09 pm

Lady Saga wants me to post some pictures from this weekend, so here goes. These aren't amazing or anything. It was really hard to get a pic of her without her face totally washing out (cell phone pics do that a lot).

This one is my personal fave.

This one's from Skyrim. Can't help posting it, it's so good.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:35 pm

Ha! Nice one.

A few screenshots from Eleanor and Fergus' trip from the Imperial City to Bruma and then to Chorrol. :smile:

Nice. I remember posing with my very first character and her statue, for any NPCs that walked past.

Lady Saga wants me to post some pictures from this weekend, so here goes. These aren't amazing or anything. It was really hard to get a pic of her without her face totally washing out (cell phone pics do that a lot).

This one's from Skyrim. Can't help posting it, it's so good.

I love the white horses. Fast and fairly hardy too. And dat Skyrim pic! :woot:


I'm such an idiot. I've only gone and left Skarsgard's tavern crawl notebook at my parents' house, 60 odd miles away. It had a list of all the places he'd been to, and their ratings. Oh well, I know where I'm we're up to, I'll just have to carry on using a new piece of paper. (I forgot my toothbrush as well, but I've been to the shop and bought a new one. I'm dead annoyed about the notebook.) :facepalm:

Well anyway, here's one from (Taken at the Brina Cross Inn.) He's since lost that amulet, no idea where it's gone, but it was gone by the time he reached Skingrad, which was next on the list. Must have dropped it by accident. I like the way his chest glows in that picture! :lmao:
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