I know that those 3 are classical mage elements, but some people like me would like to make more druid-like spellcasters.
So, wouldn't it be cool if we had wind, water, earth and plant magic?
Now, I don't know a lot about current magic system so I can't give lot of examples for spells, but here is something based on what I know.
Normal cast version:
- Plant: Wooden spikes will get out from casters hand witch will stab enemies in front of the caster (has limited range) and will return back to the caster. While enemies are impaled, they can't move or attacks, but also caster can't use the hand he used for the spell for that duration. Caster movement should be slowed a bit for the duration based on how many enemies he has impaled.
- Water: Will cast a bolt of water that will knock out enemy and will deal some damage.
- Wind: Casts a wind current that will rise single enemy unit into the air and will toss him into random direction (will take damage based on impact).
- Earth: Creates several rock in casters hand and will cast them as a shotgun blast.
Spray version:
- Plant: Same as normal version only it will cast wooden spikes from all over the caster body and will stab all enemies around him.
- Water: Will cast a stream of water that will try to wash away enemies in front of you. Best to use near water so you can wash your enemies in to the lake and drown them.
- Wind: Similar as water, only it rises them into the air and pushes them away from the caster while dealing damage upon the impact.
- Earth: Could create some sort of avalanche.
Rune version:
- Plant: Entangles enemies with wines that step on making them unable to move and will drain their fatigue (because of the struggle with the wines).
- Water: Makes a geyser on the location that will toss enemies into air and damage them (both water impact and fall).
- Wind: Creates a tornado that will rise enemies into the air and will toss them around (deals damage only when they make an impact with objects).
- Earth: Will create an earthquake that will rise rock and earth witch will make enemies movement hard.
In case all of these elements can't be implemented for some reason, here is a version of a single nature type spell that will cast a certain of elements above based on how it's cast.
Speciality of this branch of spell is mainly disable, dislocating enemies and fatigue drain, but will deal much less damage than fire, frost and shock spells.
- Normal: Will cast a bolt of water that will knock out enemy and will deal some damage to health and fatigue.
- Spray: Will create an avalanche that will deal some damage to enemies, but will also push them back and will drain some fatigue.
- Rune: Entangles enemies with wines that step on making them unable to move and will drain their fatigue (because of the struggle with the wines).
- Area (suggested): Creates a tornado on the location that will rise enemies into the air and will smack them around (deals damage to enemies if impact with objects if strong enough) and will drain some fatigue.
OK, these are ideas I came up with on the spot.
Anyway, tell me what do you think about them.
Here is also idea on mixing some spells from two hands to gain new effects in case ideas above are not that good.
Fire + Frost = Water
Gives you an ability to cast tidal waves, water streams, geyser and such.
Trademark of this would be disable (this is aspect from frost; even though it doesn't freeze them, it will disable them by knocking them out and tossing them around) and would deal great damage (this is aspect of fire; the damage would be greater compared to that of it's components)
Fire + Shock = Light
Would allow you to cast spells of pure light and use them to scorch your enemies, health, magicka (and maybe even fatigue) and would burn them by great bunch.
This is because of the two great damaging spells are joined together.
Frost + Shock = Poison
You could create clouds of poison with this spell witch would deal damage overtime, but would deal damage to both fatique and health, while also slowing the affected enemies.
Slow and damage to HP are aspects of frost and further improving damage is aspect of shock.
Fatigue damage is also aspect of shock, but changed from magicka to fatigue so there is some difference between light element and poison element and therefore giving it more options to use your spells.
Now, for the second part of the thread.
Wouldn't it be cool if we could have more way of using all the elements we have.
For example, if we had area type of casting spells where you cold cast a rain of fire or a blizzard, or maybe even a lighting storm on the location of the caster.
Anyway, tell me what do you think of these ideas and tell me some of yours.