More stuff i would like to see

Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:02 am

Hello this is me again and this is a thread whose soul purpose is to perhaps persuade the creative minds working on Crysis 3 with new ideas for gameplay. let make note that these are just suggestions that i and hopefully a few other people would like to see.

1. Now this one I believe may already be in the game and it is a destructive environment. now i dont mean to say just the ability to shoot down a couple of Cm's off a traffic blocker or to shoot down a small tree i mean full blown destructive environments like: destroy walls cover, vehicles, and perhaps even the ground whether from a city street or a buildings floor.

2. Dual Wielding. (just for giggles)

3. Online i believe that you should have more health. Now I am not saying you should have to empty an entire mag into a guy but maybe a little more than 3-5 shots to kill a guy maybe it might take 6-8 with some guns or some thing i personally believe it could make the game a little more unique and a little different. I also believe it would make the game that much more competitive because it seems to me that a lot of competitive games like: Halo, Gears of War, and Killzone give the player more health so that they might go on to do a great many things and what not.

4. Finally parkour. Parkour in a nano super suit would probably be the coolest thing that i have ever seen in my entire life especially with the first person view. and it could even maybe change up the gameplay that much more.

5. Prone would be neat.

6. Two separate streaks one for the kills that you get and these would give you items beneficial to your team like UAV and Couter UAV or maybe even ammo drops or something. And "tag streaks" if you will that would give you more personal killstreaks like gun ships or orbital strikes. I say this because at many times I don't get tags just because I am sniping or they are just to far away for me to care.

I would like to re inform you that these are simply suggestions not forced statements, just things that I think would spice up the gameplay and be something new feed back would be great and please keep the harshness to a minimum this is for the sake of being heard. Thank you for reading this essay. (If you did)
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:55 am

I agree with all of these except no.6 because I hate the idea of rewarding people for killing sprees. Well maybe except for support actions like Nanosuit Jammer, etc which might be okay.

Just want to elaborate on point no.3 - more health encourages skill over spray&pray and also gives more opportunity to exploit the nanosuit in combat (rather than having the only viable option as being "enable armour mode")
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:05 am

still,keep ot as crysis not CoD..but that would be cool,if had more guns. Like side arms,in c2 had only 4:(
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Bad News Rogers
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:34 am

Just want to elaborate on point no.3 - more health encourages skill over spray&pray and also gives more opportunity to exploit the nanosuit in combat (rather than having the only viable option as being "enable armour mode")[/quote]

Yeah those are some things that that I thought about right after I typed all that. Lol. I was just to lazy to go back and fix it but thanks for bringing it up.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:51 am

what do you think about dual majestic or secondaty weapons ,i mean if you have this super nanosuit ,cant you hold 2 little pistols ?
like first crysis , and in crysis 2 guasus should kill one bulet without armor mode activated, come on it is the last siper ,even majestic is a better weapon .
More weapons and at snipers should have different action but here are the same , and assault come on scar and scarab are the same scarab just a little diferent
i saw in the demo u have more attachments to weapons that is very good
sorry for my bad english
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James Shaw
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:57 am

Еще раз здравствуйте!Очень жаль что Кризис 2 не сильно продался!ожидал конечно большего!Хотел сказать что в Кризис 3 CRYTEK обещает продвинуть сильно сюжет,но 2 части не хватало разнообразных роликов между уровнями,было бы гораздо интереснее на них смотреть чем между загрузками уровней на архитектуру города и переговоры персонажей кто куда и за что! 3 часть должна пересмотреть все приоритеты предыдущих частей,и выжить все соки к 3 части если CRYTEK желает больших продаж!Нужно искать баланс между 1)исследованием мира,2)перестрелками-боями-стэлс разведкой,3)роликами между уровнями,интересными сценами!Не знаю точно ли в игре будут какие либо мутирующие существа этого жесткого мира,но можно бы и включить их в игру.
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James Wilson
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:52 am

Кризис 3,выглядит полным наследником Кризис 2!!Сменился только антураж!Но это не плохо,главное CRYTEK разнообразить геймплей в 3 части.Нано-лук здесь особо большой роли не сыграет,нужно больше оружия и больше его модернизации!Стэлс желательно нужно подкрутить,и во время скрытого убийства что бы игрок не терял маскировку!уж больно это бесило во 2 части! Археология уровней в 3 части впечатляет,но желательно что бы CRYTEK расширило возможности прохождения целых уровней,позволяя выбирать тактики и тропы прохождения,позволяя пере проходить Кризис 3 еще много раз!прошло больше 20 лет после Кризис 2,а дизайн CELL один и тот же что в КРИЗИС 2,за 20 лет надо усилить их силы,что они занимались какими нибудь разработками,и вертолеты одни и теже,уж больно однообразно.CRYTEK нужно придумать новые дизайнерские идеи и новые транспорт для ихнего нового мира Кризис 3!Инопланетяне -тоже выглядят теми же одноклеточными существами!CRYTEK нужно больше придумать разнообразность форм инопланетян,как в HALO,хуже не будет!Инопланетяне с разным оружием и разным дизайном будет смотреться круче гораздо! Больше всего жду как CRYTEK вернет в сюжет игры старых персонажей из прошлых частей!ИНТЕРЕСНО!за мультиплеер не переживаю думаю будет круто!
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:59 am

I'd like to see those features in Crysis 3 too. Agreeing with M4dn3ss, more health would make more skill. Duel Wielding would be interesting in Crysis 3, but If it would be included, I hope it wouldn't be overpowered (eg. You can't hold 2 machine guns).
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Joey Bel
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