Thats not a supermage thats a warrior with all the magicka of a mage.
If they had balanced the system so a pure mage could actualy exist and made that have by far the most magicka this mess wouldnt have happened.
Now in skyrim they have completely changed things and balanced the mages to allow a pure mage with low health low armor and so on to actualy be playable. Thats why they have had to go through so much work on the magic.. up until skyrimn there were no real mages in elder scrolls just warrior mages.
That's not true.... one of my favorite characters to play in morrowind was a pure mage...
Also the pure mage in oblivion was extremely easy to play as long as you thought about what you were doing and understood what the spells did.... actually my favorite way to play oblivion is starting out at level 1 as a pure mage with the difficulty setting on max. Very fun and very playable.
Often times in these forums i see people with fundamentally different views arguing over what should be in the game or how it should be done and they hardly ever get anywhere because they seem to not even be aware that the other person has different needs when it comes to gaming. In this particular post i see people complaining that the changes will allow for less customization among character types overall, and others say that it will not affect them therefore they don't care so the others should quite complaining.
Its funny how different we all see games. For me i like to customize
everything about my character, make my own custom class, be challenged and explore, and if the game has high immersion value i will role play it too. When a game i love comes out
(which is rare, The only ones I'm interested in or will be buying in the future are this one and diablo 3) I stay away from the forums so no one can ruin a surprise for me and i never look up any guides if it is single player, at least until after i have beaten the game on the hardest difficulty.
I also like to role play and when i find something exploitable in the game i try to ignore it. I don't mind playing an inferior character at all.For oblivion i made a separate character for each faction and another that was just for the main quest. For morrowind i made a separate character for about 8 different factions and quest lines so far (including a pure vampire! fun!) plus even more characters for many different reasons. All in all i have made over 20 characters in morrowind alone and I made another 2 this year when i played morrowind last month.
Then i have this friend who is totally the opposite. he makes one character and he often buys a strategy guide the same time he buys the game and uses it while he plays every time. He exploits like its his job and uses hacks/bots/cheat codes every time. I don't get whats so fun about that but more power to him you know. He can play his way and ill play mine... as long as there's that option.. see?