» Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:00 am
Good thing too. The perks and the spell equipping will stop you being a master mage, with heavy armour, sword and shield, and the ability to sneak everywhere. You are forced to make choices. If you like, yes you can level loads of skills up, and share your perks between sword, armour, and spellcasting, you just won't be as effective in any area as a specialist swordsman or mage.
It may be you can't even achieve total magical mastery in one character, but will have to choose a few schools to invest in, e.g. you want to specialise in conjuration and enchanting, you simply don't get enough perks to get a total mastery of destruction and illusion too. Again you can choose to be a jack-of-all-magical-trades, master of none, how is this a bad thing?