Are you using the gold coin texture for this ring - http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr50/Alaisiagae/Mod%20Screenshot%20MW/Misc/ring_akatosh.jpg?
Nope, that's the templar belt buckle "tx_c_templar_beltbuckle.bmp"
Just out of curiosity, what texture are you using for the face of this ring - http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr50/Alaisiagae/Mod%20Screenshot%20MW/Misc/amulet_divinev2.jpg?
So far, lookin' good! :thumbsup:
That's the center design on the Duke's Silver Cuirass, as seen http://www.uesp.net/w/images/MW_Armor_ImperialDukeM.jpg.

@LucienFairfax: Yes, I'll do the icons, too. Pain in the butt to do them, but I'm getting plenty of practice with the other mods I'm working on.
@MarkHuney: I'll see what I can come up with for something a bit more savage for the Quarra.