I'm pretty sure you've mentioned this mod but could you use any of the new amulet meshes in http://www.elricm.com/nuke/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index&req=viewdownloaddetails&lid=1234?
There's only one mesh in there, and I used it for the "Amulet of Divine Intervention" already. I might try to use it for more stuff, if I have to, but I'd like other simple geometric designs like that - a rectangle, a square, a triangle, a rhombus/diamond (would make a better Divine Intervention amulet if I could just put the Akatosh dragon on it), a crescent/half-circle -- all with or without a gem or pearl mashed onto it (for instance, such as that trio of gems on the buckle of the exquisite belt mesh).

I'll get up a screenshot of the hortator belt (in blue!) a little later. I can also make the robe use blue, too! I'm going to actually experiment putting different textures on the exquisite robe mesh, which may or may not result in a complete and utter disaster.