#1. What is being done to correct the connection errors, and what is an estimated time of arrival for a patch?
#2. What is being done about the flickering problems some are experiencing, and what is an ETA for that patch?
#3. How far along are you in patching the problems some are having with their accounts not being recognized by the game itself? Therefore causing them not to be able to log in, and play the multiplayer.
#4. What exactly can we expect as far as Dx11 is concerned?
Now, the DirectX11 situation. This I can understand not getting answers right away. Honestly, its not a "problem with the game", and the game can still be played, without interruption, using Dx9. Yes we were mislead, but they are not obligated to answer our questions regarding this, at this time.
As far as numbers 1-3 go, we deserve answers, and those answers are needed NOW. If you purchased any other product, and that product was BROKEN, the company that produces that product would be obligated(and probably more than happy) to answer our questions, on when you could expect a fix.
All they have been saying is, "We are working on it". Even in the Update thread posted today(3/29/2011) all they say is there is a patch coming later on this week....
That's fine and dandy....
That's what we need to know. You don't "have" to address the Dx11 thing.... But problems regarding your CUSTOMERS NOT BEING ABLE TO USE YOUR PRODUCT, we deserve answers on a time frame, of what specific problems will be fixed in the patch "later this week".
So give us some answers Crytek. I don't know what the laws are regarding broken products, and customer service(and I'm not some little immature child making legal threats), but if our questions are continued to be ignored, I will be forced to look into some laws, and see what our rights are as consumers.
Do a little more than your doing now, and stop being so vague in your "answers"(if you can call them answers). We gave you our money, now give us the proper support we deserve. We aren't just pissed off gamers because of minor problems that come along with the purchase of any game. We are pissed off consumers in the United States, and worldwide, who purchased a broken product. Whether that product is a game, or a car, or a $2,000 computer, or a $3 yo yo..... If a mass amount of the product is broken, the company I'm sure is required to give some answers....
Answers are what we deserve Crytek.