More 'yielding' in combat?

Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:27 am

So, here I am playing some more Oblivion when I stumble on some cave with a whole Dunmer(I do not how to spell their name, dark elfs) army.
They are using slave(I think) labor Argonians and I want to be all hero and save them(going out of my way to jump into line of fire so they do not die..
and then I find out said Argonians after all Dunmer are dead, start attacking me!
At this point I wish we had more options to make our enemy yield. I mean sure you can't make every enemy yield, but if you bring someone down to his last few live-points you should be able to give him a chance to yield.(I know there is yield in game, but it only works on neutral enemies)
I don't always want to be forced to kill my enemy, and sometimes just beat him and tell him to leave and get out of my way.
I think it would also add some realism, not ever random bandit or person you end up fighting should be willing to throw his live away like a fool, most of all if they are using a rake to fight a guy in full body armor.. (which is surprisingly efficient..)
Anyone like the idea? To much time to implement(one would need a little more voice acting if done)?
Feel free to post thoughts, and I hope this topic is not old, I have not seen one like this in my time here.
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SaVino GοΜ
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:47 pm

Sounds like you're playing OOO.
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jaideep singh
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:02 am

Sounds like you're playing OOO.

Yeah, where the hell are there enslaved Argos in Oblivion?
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:23 pm

It's a mod. The thing is, in Vanilla Oblivion, you would never have had the reason to allow an enemy to escape. They are evil vampires or necromancers or scummy bandits who obviously don't need to be killing people because their glass armor is worth a small fortune. It'd be a neat feature, but not critical, IMO.
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patricia kris
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:21 am

Interesting, I don't remember having installed the mod, I am playing this after a really long break and though I only installed minor mods that changed inventory layout. I guess I was wrong. (well the quest I am on is 'Unearthing Mehrunes Razor'
Does it change the point of this topic though?
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:23 am

Sounds like it might be Mahrunes Razor, don't really remember much about it but there where slaves mining there. They could have been Argonians, and thats the only place in Oblivion that there is a weapon form of a rake.

So don't think it's a mod really
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:20 pm

i think yielding offers alot of rp value,
and would really help if you wander into a hostile area like some bandit territory, you can yield without getting your ass killed. or vice versa, you beat them to a bloody pulp and one or two will apeal to your sense of morality [also good]
bandits in oblivion pretty much attacked you without hesitation, with a few exceptions like the ones who go for extortion, most would just straight up throw their lives away stupidly. which is hardly believable, they just make for more uber-agro enemys. and this game is not just about killing, so having the choice, both by players and npc, to yield to an enemy and appeal to their nature , that would be awesome.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:52 pm

Sounds like it might be Mahrunes Razor, don't really remember much about it but there where slaves mining there. They could have been Argonians, and thats the only place in Oblivion that there is a weapon form of a rake.

So don't think it's a mod really

Hey, I am not a complete fool..! (:
And I know that it is a rather minor thing, I agree. just thought it might be a nice little touch and there is always going to be a time in 300 hour game play were you wish you did not have till kill your enemy, right?(And hey, one could use it as an 'evil' char too.. making your enemy yield just to kill him afterward)
Not saying it is worth it(though still think it would be nice and is worth the time to implement. It is one of those things that would make me marvel at the detail and realism. After all, we have children NPC, was that really more important and any less work? ), just wanting to bring the topic to attention and see opinion on it. Though I doubt many will find it worthy of attention.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:57 am

I feel like this topic never got the attention it should have due to the whole 'mod or not mod' ordeal. Blame me for shamless bump but I hope it will be forgiven, I will not due it again on this topic if it gets no attention without being derailed like that.
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:36 pm

Hopefully we will see an improved AI so that foes will yield or flee as appropriate
Animals might flee if you took half their health in a single blow or reduced them to less than 25% health gradually
Bandits might yield offering information
A defeated knight or noble might promise a ransom if spared
Mindless undead would just fight until destroyed
Daedra would never yield as they are arrogant and only face banishment to Oblivion if "killed" but that banishment is supposed to be an extremely unpleasant experience for them so they might flee if outclassed (at least the more intelligent ones like Dremora)
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:04 am

Oblivion was coded to be like this but then they set the data parameters such that everybody fought to the death. I can only speculate that running away nerfed some of the quest objectives so they gave up on it. I modded Oblivion's AI parameters so that certain types would run away more readily. I didn't see a bandit fighting to the death for a few silvers. It made the game feel much more immersive having this behavior.

So yes - run away, yield, etc. For humanoids and animals this makes sense and adds to the fun.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:37 am

Well, I subscribe to the fun, yet quest breaking-safe philosophy of: If it doesn't have a name, kill it.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:37 am

I would support yielding of all creatures, especially dragons. I'd hate for so many to die on Alduin's whim. Otherwise, if they cross you, they will die, always.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:19 am

I they run in fear in nv, just earlier to day I got jump by 4 fiends from behind while i was stalking an objective, one whacked be over, with that thud I span around and cleavedhis head of in an instant with my machete lol vats a guy about to pull a grenade out killing him and another and stunning the other, I dropped my gun down brought up my fists charged him and punched clean just as he was aimed back up, he stopping firing and just ran for it, this kind of thing happens lots and it's great when you cause them to crap them selves and flee, (shame they hide so badly but that's a different point, all the easyer for me to execute them as they plead mwahahah) yeahlding and fleeing enemys where appropriate is prefect and should be included were ever possible...'no' yeilding dragons or deamonds but animals should still flee if they take a beating.
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:52 am

It IS Mehrune's Razor, definately not a mod people. and the Argonian and Khajit laborers were hired, not slaves, you find that out through some of the notes in the cave. However, I also felt like the laborers should have been able to "yield" when I asked for it, since it seemed like they were being treated less than greatly by the army there, so I totally get what the TC is saying.
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