Somehow I can't imagine Argonians operating balistas, trebuchets and other siege engines. Didn't they just exploited the chaos entire Morrowind found itself, and timed their conquest with that..
they don't need proper siege engines per se, but might have their own versions, or maybe the Hists have unknown majicks...but a siege doesnt always require trebuchets and battering rams and such, it can simply be many soldiers blocking all ways in and out of the city
but OT, we have been there before and have no reason to return...we are going to a land where men are men, no need to visit the former capitol of pansy elves

If there was anything from Morrowind we'd revisit, I'd expect Solstheim, but I hope we don't go there, I want a brand new place altogether like Atmora or maybe an expidition to other lands nearly unheard of or only mentioned