That conceited jerk? Most powerful!? Ha! That's rich. The selfish [censored] finds some "Aedric" artifact or something, and then claims the entirety of Brumjunaar. Nevermind the fact, that it was I who funded it! Do I get any credit? No! Or how about Volsung who offered some of his chief architects to get the look of the holy capital, just right? Does he get credit? No!
That self-absorbed pansy would stand in front of the well all day, staring at his reflection. I swear, he even mastvrbated to himself. The nerve this guy had! He once interrupted ME when I was giving one of my lectures on the teachings of Overlord Alduin. He rudely stops me, jumps in front of the podium, and starts mocking me in front of the other priests. Of course Otar then starts in with his **** ranting about the 7th era and how he's really an Argonian cyborg princess from the future, and Rahgot stats going on with his ordeal, trying to convince everyone that mass suicide is the only true form of devotion to Alduin.
Nevemind, the fact that I, Hevnoraak, most loyal of the Priests was just conducting a symposium to gracious Alduin. The nerve he has to interrupt me, ME! Paak nau him Morokei!
Was he the most powerful? No. He finds some staff and all of a sudden thinks he can compete with me? I was practicing sorcery when Ysgramor was still a child! I was the FIRST to come up with merethic era draconic necromantic magic! It was I who discovered how to achieve Lichdom through blood magic to enhance the draconic religious ritual that was old and out-dated. It was I who discovered how to summon various Daedra! I, who published my work, and the other Priests benefited from it!
And when I finally break free of wicked, treacherous Valdar; it will be I who will return Skyrim to it's former glory, and usher forth the second coming of the Dragon cult. Not you, pahlok Morokei! Zu'u Hevnoraak, vahzah Bronjun do Keizaal daaniike do tahrodiis joore!
Just ignore ol' Gramps over there, he hasn't had his medication as of late. Really need to stop by the Alchemists shop to pick that up......