This is honestly the best story(in my opinion) in any Elder Scrolls titles that has ever been released. For once you get to pick a side instead of being the cookie-cutter "good-guy". The story gives factors towards the players personal opinion on the whole situation taking place. And it let's you express that opinion openly.
In Arena you were some Robin Hood type, trying to reinstate the one true king.
In Dagerfall you were an undercover state-security agent with a carte blanche to do as you see fit.
In Battlespire you were some guy who came to the wrong place at the wrong time, and just wanted to get out alive.
In Redguard you were a terrorist, trying to "free" your country from imperial reign.
In Morrowind you were the pawn of some ancient prophecy, blundering into the epiloge of an age-old story of deceit and betrayal.
In Oblivion you were the errand boy of the future emperor.
In Skyrim you are the pawn of some ancient prophecy, blundering into the next instalment of an age-old war.
Will this be like any other Elder Scrolls titles released? No. Not even close.
So far the story seems quite similar to Morrowind's, just a bit more epic.
In all other areas each Elder Scrolls game was different than the others (besides Battlespire which originally was supposed to be a Daggerfall addon)