Yeah, once, I think. :rofl:
I will edit in a question in a short while.
The Egg Mines around Vvardenfell hold not only the usual Kwama of various types and their eggs but also there are seven miners who are already dead for some reason. Name the Egg Mines where these unfortunates can be found.
Hmm, that is a hard one but I know a few of the ones.
There is:
- Gninis Egg Mine = The corpse of Vabdas' husband can be found here.
- Madas Zebba Egg Mine = I remember this one, It has the corpse of the guy who has the Dwemer boots. I'll never forget my first pair of Dwemer boots. ;D
- Maelu Egg Mine (I think) = If I remember correctly this mine has a dead adventurer in it along with some lava, I'm not too sure though. :S
- I'm not too sure of the name but It has a dead guy wielding a Daedric Dai-Katana.
- Panbanit-Nimwia Egg Mine* = Contains two dead guys IIRC, not sure if that counts though. ;D
Well that's all I can remember. Hope you're happy Rohugh, you made me travel halfway across Vvardenfel to remember the names.

* Is that the correct spelling?
EDIT: Anyone feel free to use these to add to your answers, if you have any.