Both Max plugin are just sampling key frames. Therefore controllers' options are irrelevant.
I assume you are animating in Max.
That's a relief. I'm assuming that means I can take a NIF file produced with the AnimKit's preview feature, rig it for FK/IK, animate it, then export as a .kf? I'm trying to figure out a good workflow before I actually start anmating.
Check this info:
I'm making it through that post and the numerous tutorials you gave me little by little, and I really appreciate the help. I still haven't done much with it since I only made my first NIF a little while ago, and making a collision mesh and organizing the nodes is all I know how to do so far along with basic UV manipulation. I need to learn a lot more of the basics before I get into animation, but I'd like to know at least where to begin, so I'm asking now.

I do not understand what "automate the process" means. Check (link above) how MW game engine "searches" for animation files. Yes, it is possible to have complete sets of different animations for each NPC (PC third person view is displayed via NPC with ID "Player").

The process I want to automate is that of applying certain animations to only one class or race so that it doesn't have to be done manually (if it's even possible). I am glad to know that individual NPCs can have unique animations, which I assume means they can have unique skeletons, which means they can have unique meshes, and all of my mod ideas are possible! At least, all of them but the modular animation replacers, I'm still not sure about that.