First of all, let me thank LizTail for this great utility, and also everyone who's working on animations.
I do have a quick question, though. I took oshiel's animation replacer and made a package to be used with the AnimKit, but there's just one problem. Is there a way to apply animations to the PC only, and not NPCs? I like the animations, and right now I have it set up in the 'female' folder, which narrows it down some. It's just odd to see shopkeepers standing around like they're ready to fight to the death. Or, even better, would it be possible to have one set of NPC animations for non-combat (base anims), and then one set for combat (oshiels)? That would be a bit less jarring, I imagine.
Thanks ^_^ Aside from the method mentioned already, another thing you could theoretically do is assign particular animations to different classes of NPCs. Each NPC can have a different animation file assigned, so you could, for example, create an animation set for shop keepers where the idle animations would show them looking around suspiciously or dusting off their clothes or something, while you could have a different set for guards where they would test the fit of their boots or stretch their shoulders or something. You could even theoretically give different NPCs different types of combat animations so they fought differently. Of course that would take a lot of animation work and a lot of work to set it all up in the construction set as well.
Could you be more specific about the difference between "key times" and "sequences" (examples, NiNodes types?).
Sequences are different animations, so Walkforward, or Idle, those are sequences. Keys are piece of data that are linked with specific times on the timeline. For example, the position or rotation of a particular bone at a certain time is a key. There's an NiTextKeyExtraData object in every NIF file that contains a list of text/time pairs that tell the game when each sequence starts and stops or loops. In Morrowind, all the sequences are merged together into a single timeline, so if the first sequence goes from time 0 to 50, the next one might go from 50 to 70, and the next might go from 70 to 100. The way many equipable object animations work is that they simply assume that those values are constant. That the second animation in the file will ALWAYS be 20 seconds long and run from time 50 to 70, etc. So of course, by the very nature of this tool, you are changing out animations for other animations so the start and stop times of animation will change. Additionally, there are sometimes animations in the original files that "overlap" in time in order to make some parts of them identical, and the tool won't preserve that, it will make it so all the sequences have unique stretches of time that don't overlap with any other sequence. It also puts some padding between the sequences to make sure they don't affect eachother. For all these reasons, you will almost never have the animations start and stop at the same times after using this tool.