If the Argonians are going to be bestial, I want Bethesda to do it right. Morrowind's Argonians were basically scaly people standing on tiptoe, which is why I think they look so ridiculous to many people (including me). Their proportions were the same as the standard races, with their feet stretched out. Ideally, I'd like the Argonians to be built more like crocodiles in terms of body shape, with the main body as basically a tube that feeds seamlessly into the tail, and long, powerful arms for swimming (this would be the deviation from the crocodile template

) The legs shouldn't be so exaggerated, since they are primarily an aquatic race, and they really use only their tail for swimming. They should still have legs, but they should be shorter, so that they basically disappear under the creature when it swims and they don't drag it down. This picture isn't mine and it's not specifically an Argonian, but http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs8/i/2005/331/0/c/Lizardman_by_DivineDelphi.jpg
But since that would require three versions of each armor piece (one for each gender of the men/mer, and one for the Argonians-- actually, it may well be four because Khajiit would probably be unique as well), which would be a nuisance both for Bethesda and for modders designing new sets of armor, I'm going to go with my second choice, which is scrap the whole thing and just go with what's been done the most-- one body for every race. The Argonians look great in Oblivion with Robert's bodies (as does everyone else
