Chaka, I'm so so so happy you said that. That was completely my goal. I wanted to stay true to the look and feel of 'classic' race modding, just updated with new details. Thank you, it makes me so happy that someone else noticed.
Callidus, tytyty.

Looks like I have another couple replacers to download for perspective. Thanks for the tip Jac.
Lyssia, again so happy someone noticed. The dunmer chick is definitely a badass. I really wasn't sure about her, since I'm no good at judging dunmer (I don't play them) so this is pretty fantastic.
And Illy, I literally couldn't have made this pack without you. Your textures provide a perfect base for the skin and your advice as an artist is invaluable. I'll take a look at what Westly and Harborgolfer have done as far as color and adjust with your "ashen" description in mind (which I agree with).
Great feedback, guys. I'm confident that if these looked bad someone would say so (since I've asked repeatedly for honesty). Probably going to do the first release here shortly, maybe try to throw Nord in there and see how that goes..
edit - Question, before I forget. Is there any reason NOT to use a modified head with 3x the polygons? I tried it in game a minute ago and it looks a lot better with no discernible issues, but what do I know about graphic art, it might make someone's computer explode, right?
edit again - What eye color variants do people want to see? Any special requests I should do?