I've just scratched a post earlier today because near ending I got into combat and it was an absolute rant. Oblivion's combat is not better than Morrowind's. Setting everyones agility to 1000 is not an improvement. Here is the rant part as now I don't think it was that bad off topic now as my other points were made by 2-3 posters above me already.
In Morrrowind, they say it is "miss, miss, miss, hit, miss, miss,miss,miss,miss, miss, hit". So you will hit your opponent 50 times and be able to hit them 12 times to kill them. NO. Before you try that, your opponent will waste you! If your combat won't last long, it will end with defeat or retreat. The linearization of quests and level scaling made Oblivion's combat bad experience for me.
In Oblivion, you talk to guards with 50 arrows in their chest. Best way is to slash as fast as possible. Constantly drain their healths, use your fast regen unlimited magicka to heal, attack to undying level scaled enemies. This is the best way because when they come in numbers, delayed power attacks will be the death of you. I finished Arena questline with my lvl 1 (I leveled during though) character(thanks to regeneration pool), I dodged from arrows(unlimited) with my back turned, replenishing my arrows and using them in next stage, when it was finally challenging they gave an animal to my aid, it finished them off for me. So I can say combat was nothing to be praised. In later levels, Morrowind plays like Oblivion too. At least you finish your enemies with right strategy in truly epic combats which can only be won with right strategy. And take that from a Quake/Duke/Doom culture guy. I want action! I want to use my targeting skill as well as brain skills as player skills. So marksmanship was in right direction it was 50 arrows in chest which ruined it. See Dark Messiah for melee combat.
I won't argue about design choices. All additions were good on paper, problem was they were not as good as they advertised it. Something happened, maybe because of time constraints or consolization, what I am trying to say is Oblivion was %45 of what it could have been.
Let me point good things:
Physics/Animation. It is good because they tried to add it. Being the first next-gen game, it didn't work well. Physics were not implemented efficiently. It was a resource hog. I can only play the game as a slideshow back then, I upgraded and it played with 16 FPS which was still unplayable. Thanks Streamline, or even my third upgrade couldn't fix it. I want to point to natural motion anolyzer technologies, such as Rockstar is using in their games. Euphoria. Off course if they can program it themselves, better. Animations were still bad, even with vertex blending.
AI. We all know it didn't work as advertised. Still, get praised for trying. Why I look like a graphics [censored], I am not. I'm an AI [censored]!

But we aren't getting improvements in that department. Why I don't know. AI's impact on Gameplay was always underrated. I play Thief gold and MGS 1-2 to feel some good AI. Also lately, Rockstar did an amazing job at that. Those pedestrians acts to surroundings very well, I'm not talking about just Euphoria, they feel my intentions and act accordingly. I was surprised many times at that. "How did they know?" or "No, I wasn't gonna try that, it is a misunderstanding."

Narrating AI. :facepalm:
Schedules: Standing at the same position or going to work every day, coming back and lie down on a bed are equally boring. Where is holidays, heirs, natural cause deaths, migrations, special travels, seasons, aging, decay... I can go on and on about time effects in a game.
Graphics. It was beautiful. I think there were many occasions seeing bushes on country side and thinking, "wow, they look just like in Oblivion." If they tried a little harder, they could make Oblivion Crysis real.

But it didn't aged well enough. Mainly LOD is ugly. MGE has to have perfect LOD on the other hand thanks to open city design.

When I saw Daggerfall screens, I used to think they were static screens, like in Monkey's island or something... I had no idea it was real 3D open game environments. I can say compared to Duke/Quake/Doom, they were a light year ahead of everyone. With Morrowind they were above time. With Oblivion they were just first and it aged quickly. :sadvaultboy:
Horses. They were useless. I'm not talking about Fast Travel. No (distinct)variation on their speed, jump abilities. You can't fight on horseback. Horses has no character. They didn't even have a name. Yes, I want names for every one of them. And taming and ability to give names. Their animations were also really bad. No physics at all in movements. Go read some development notes from Shadow of Colossus about IK.
Sorry, it is very hard in Oblivion's case. Feats are also its failings, what can I do? :shrug:
PS. I won't delete it this time. It is technical as you see. I wouldn't wanted to go into game mechanics because it's game design and preferences. But I had to talk about this combat nonsense. Back in old days when I had no internet connection(I was living in a cave, no actually we didn't have privatized isp by the time, no it's not 3rd world country

), the only mod I needed was World of Faces.

PPS. On a related note, I even liked the junction system of FF8. :chaos: