A few days ago I dug out my Morrowind map, as I'm on some sort of spree of putting things up on my study wall. I have the GOTY map and find it to be a massive source of inspiration when trying to write (and also procrastination when I'm meant to be doing better things). With it being one of my favorite maps, I was thinking of getting it framed or something so it looks swish.
My maps pretty battered now, as I've had it a couple of years, and it's a fair bit smaller than I remembered it. Nostalgia glasses made it better in my memory.
I've done a lot of dredging about on google over the past few days, so I'm going to guess the answer is no to my question, but this is my last ditch attempt. Was the Morrowind map that was included with the GOTY edition (including Solthsteim and Mournhold) ever released in a high res digital form?
There's a couple of scans out there, creases and all, just seems a bit daft if I'm going to pay to get it all printed\framed etc not to use an original source if it exists, specially if I want to try and make it bigger too.
Any help would be appreciated.