Morrowind Graphics Extender (MGE)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:38 am

MGEgui.exe Distant Land Setup Wizard changes:[list]
[*]added: INI file handling for distant land setup settings, Distant Land Setup Wizard settings are saved when 'Finish' button is clicked (more settings of MGE in future)

I was originally code it that way too. However, I realized that it would be better to save the values after each successful step generation. You can still do it your way, but you'll have to be careful on how you handle the following situation.

Since the GUI allows you to skip steps, you can change the value of one of the drop downs, then skip that step. You have to be careful that in your save code, that you aren't going back and just pulling the currently selected value for each drop down, because they may not accurately reflect what the user had generated at anymore.

[*]added: multiple static override lists handling in selected by user order (latter files on list override former)

Sweet, thanks. Now I don't have to write that code anymore. You were just making too many changes to the code for me to spend anytime on it. I really didn't want to have to spend the time merging code.

[*]tweak: changed default statics override list extension to '.ovr'

Depending on how you wrote your code, you might want to rethink this. I know I did when I was ready to write the code. If you are using the C# routine to return a list of files tha end in *.ovr, you may run into problems. Windows has this bug/feature where if you say give me all files that end in the following three letter extension, it will actually return all files that have an extensions that begin with those three letters. It has something to do with backward computability with DOS. For example:

*.ovr will match:


If you use only two, or four or more, characters this bug/feature doesn't come into effect. When I was going to write the code, I was still deciding between using *.so or *.list.

I don't know about everyone else, but it is pretty common for me to tack on an extra character or modify an extension when I want to save a file. For example file1.ovr might become file1.ovr_old. Because of the way C# checks three character extensions, if you aren't careful, the *.ovr_old file would get processed as well. Being a programmer, I know to be careful of something like this, but many people would have no clue, and files they thought weren't being processed, would end up being processed.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:59 am

I was originally code it that way too. However, I realized that it would be better to save the values after each successful step generation. You can still do it your way, but you'll have to be careful on how you handle the following situation.

Since the GUI allows you to skip steps, you can change the value of one of the drop downs, then skip that step. You have to be careful that in your save code, that you aren't going back and just pulling the currently selected value for each drop down, because they may not accurately reflect what the user had generated at anymore.
It can be easily changed - I did it that way to make it test easier - you don't need to run creation, only skip to test if settings are saved. When it's tested I'll change it to save after each step.

Depending on how you wrote your code, you might want to rethink this. I know I did when I was ready to write the code. If you are using the C# routine to return a list of files tha end in *.ovr, you may run into problems. Windows has this bug/feature where if you say give me all files that end in the following three letter extension, it will actually return all files that have an extensions that begin with those three letters. It has something to do with backward computability with DOS. For example:

*.ovr will match:


If you use only two, or four or more, characters this bug/feature doesn't come into effect. When I was going to write the code, I was still deciding between using *.so or *.list.

I don't know about everyone else, but it is pretty common for me to tack on an extra character or modify an extension when I want to save a file. For example file1.ovr might become file1.ovr_old. Because of the way C# checks three character extensions, if you aren't careful, the *.ovr_old file would get processed as well. Being a programmer, I know to be careful of something like this, but many people would have no clue, and files they thought weren't being processed, would end up being processed.
The code doesn't read any directory - you choose override files for custom list by Windows browse function, so there can be files on list having any extension you choose (*.ovr; *.txt; *.*). It's not automatic, but list of override list is saved to INI for use in next run.

BTW. I coded plugins selection that way to list only *?.esm and *?.esp files ('?' character does that) and not *.esp* and *.esm*.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:55 am

The code doesn't read any directory - you choose override files for custom list by Windows browse function, so there can be files on list having any extension you choose (*.ovr; *.txt; *.*). It's not automatic, but list of override list is saved to INI for use in next run.

I just ran it for the first time. I see that you chose to make the user have to specify all of the override files. My method was going to just scan a specific directory for them.

Here are some things I found with the ESP selection screen:
  • I like that you automatically read the INI file and list just the ESP names. I got tired of always having to resize that screen so I could delete things.
  • There still needs to be an Add button on the screen so we can point it to things like Vality7's grass mods when we need to. Those mods won't necessarily be in the Morrowind Data directory since you don't actually run the game with them. That brings up the next bullet.
  • You should still keep the path stored with the ESP name somehow. I know you dropped the paths from the list box to make it more readable, but perhaps when the user highlights the ESP name, the full path to it can be displayed below the list using a static text field.
  • It would be good to have a Clear All button and a Select All button.
  • The current Clear Selection button doesn't clear the currently selected item, it clears the checks from the whole list. I'm not sure what you were intending here, but its text should probably be made clearer.
  • Is there a particular reason why you have to double click the check boxes to get them to check?

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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:57 am

  • There still needs to be an Add button on the screen so we can point it to things like Vality7's grass mods when we need to. Those mods won't necessarily be in the Morrowind Data directory since you don't actually run the game with them. That brings up the next bullet.
  • You should still keep the path stored with the ESP name somehow. I know you dropped the paths from the list box to make it more readable, but perhaps when the user highlights the ESP name, the full path to it can be displayed below the list using a static text field.
Well, I thought about it, but most people take plugins only from 'Data files' (me for example), and now list operates on directories not files, so I removed this feature.

I can add 'Add' and 'Remove' button for additional directories that will be scanned for plugins, but I won't add single file addition. Full path in INI would be used only for plugins contained in additional directories.

  • It would be good to have a Clear All button and a Select All button.
  • The current Clear Selection button doesn't clear the currently selected item, it clears the checks from the whole list. I'm not sure what you were intending here, but its text should probably be made clearer.
There is a reason. Those are all plugins in 'Data files'. And only checkmark defines what plugin will be used.

  • Is there a particular reason why you have to double click the check boxes to get them to check?
Not particular reason. First click for selecting item, second for checking. Because this is CheckedListBox, checking with one click checks item also if you wanted to only select record by clicking on item outside checkbox.

You may also use arrows and space to check items.
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jess hughes
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:51 pm

Interestingly, initial load time for me was about the same with the if statements as it was before you added the sewer waves code: 10-15 secs starting a new game; 5-7 secs loading a save. And no measurable decrease in fps.

However now with the For loop processing, my fps drops up to 60% when looking at the water (especially when levitating around vivec so that most of the sewer waves are in view): from ~22 fps to ~8 fps.
This fps drop was also noted near a pond just over the hill and southeast from Molag Mar when looking straight down at the water.

With the separate calculations instead of the For loop I have no drop in fps (with or without the EyePos if statements). And that's with adding the other 8 lines to calculate the Molag Mar sewer waves.

I'm running on a PentiumD 3GHz, 3GB system ram, eGeForce 8800GT SC 512MB DDR3, winXP32sp3.

My initial testing indicates no appreciable difference between the for loop processing and separate lines for each sewer outlet.
(I'm running a Q9550 @ 3.4Ghz, 8GB RAM, 8800GT 512MB, vista x64)

It looks like you know how to fix it for your system, so unless I get more complaints, I'll probably leave it the way it is for now.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:25 pm

As for the interior water, would it be possible to reflect real lighting (not just the ambient/fog colour)?
I don't think so, at least not soon. MGE water doesn't reflect any Morrowind drawn object.

Oh, I noticed a new button to generate statics for Exterior-behaving interiors. It's disabled, but when will it be enabled?
It will be enabled when this function will be implemented both in DLWizard and d3d8.dll.
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:32 am


Okay, I think I understand what you are doing now:

  • This list you are presented with on the Plugins tab, is the list of all ESPs and ESMs in your Data Folder, whether or not they are actually being used. This wasn't obvious to me because the only thing I keep in my Data Files folder are the mods that I'm actually using. I use a mod manager to manage my mods and keep my mods directory clean of garbage. Therefore, it looked like a list of my Morrowind.ini file.
  • Since all of my current mods were listed, it wasn't obvious that I needed to hit the "Use Morrowind.ini" button. Instead, I had to double click each mod to select it. Needless to say this was a pain in the butt. That was why I was wondering why I had to double click everything. I kept thinking this would sure be easier if I only had to do half as many clicks. That is also the reason why I wanted a Select All and Clear All button.
  • Since you have made the list now operate on directories instead of individual files, I'm not sure how much benefit it would be to have Add and Remove buttons anymore.

Now that I know what you were thinking, I think I can live with the way you did it. I'll just have to learn to live with a messy Data Files folder.

Actually, the double clicking is still annoying as can be :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:28 am


Okay, I think I understand what you are doing now:

  • This list you are presented with on the Plugins tab, is the list of all ESPs and ESMs in your Data Folder, whether or not they are actually being used. This wasn't obvious to me because the only thing I keep in my Data Files folder are the mods that I'm actually using. I use a mod manager to manage my mods and keep my mods directory clean of garbage. Therefore, it looked like a list of my Morrowind.ini file.
  • Since all of my current mods were listed, it wasn't obvious that I needed to hit the "Use Morrowind.ini" button. Instead, I had to double click each mod to select it. Needless to say this was a pain in the butt. That was why I was wondering why I had to double click everything. I kept thinking this would sure be easier if I only had to do half as many clicks. That is also the reason why I wanted a Select All and Clear All button.
  • Since you have made the list now operate on directories instead of individual files, I'm not sure how much benefit it would be to have Add and Remove buttons anymore.

Now that I know what you were thinking, I think I can live with the way you did it. I'll just have to learn to live with a messy Data Files folder.

Actually, the double clicking is still annoying as can be :)
By tomorrow handling of additional plugin directories will be added, so you will only have to add directory where you have disabled plugins instead of copying all plugins to 'Data files'. And there will be also 'Select All' button for checking checkboxes of all plugins on list.

For me much more annoying is checking checbox of every plugin I click, while I'm not clicking on its checkbox.
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claire ley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:18 am

I think it's a bug in the distant static generation process. Basicly MGE checks and generate statics sequentially for each master or plug-in you choose initially and it doesn't checks if the references are moved or updated. A practical example: take a reference in Morrowind.esm - for example an house in Seyda Neen then move it or delete it and save this as a new .esp. Launch the wizard again and choose Morrowind.esm and your new plugin. When you will have regenerated the distant statics you will see the house both in the old position and in the new position if you moved the reference, or the house in the old position that fades out if you have deleted it. I don't know if it can be fixed.

Has anyone thought more into this? I think this is quite a notable problem.

If you make a mod that deletes and adds a lot of stuff, when you generate, all the stuff you've added is there, but all the stuff you deleted is still being generated. Would it be possible for it to check through all the esps for deleted references, so that it overwrites the esm's references based on date/load order or something, before generating?
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Joie Perez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:22 am

Has anyone thought more into this? I think this is quite a notable problem.

If you make a mod that deletes and adds a lot of stuff, when you generate, all the stuff you've added is there, but all the stuff you deleted is still being generated. Would it be possible for it to check through all the esps for deleted references, so that it overwrites the esm's references based on date/load order or something, before generating?
I thought about it. That's why I changed plugin list order for Setup Wizard to modification time after plugins are selected (yet I must check if this order is preserved while plugins are loaded), for the beginning. Next step will be scanning for DELE records.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:32 pm

Build 0098 problem:

I used only the same test save that has Vampiric Hunger Shader activated directly on load, so my screen is red. Tests took place over a period of about 45-50 minutes.

I notice weird crashes when casting spells directly after loading so I begin to diagnose. I start deactivating mods thinking it is a problem there but no luck. I then deactivated distantland. This is when I noticed that there was a delay in the loading of the Shader effect because disabling distantland caused the red screen Vampiric Hunger shader to load instantly. When I say delay I mean it takes about three seconds for the shader to show on the screen after loading. Casting spells caused no crashes after disabling distantland. I then activated distantland and noticed the shader delay again. Spells caused crashes about 90% of the time while casting. I believe I tried removing the shader mod and it still resulted in crashes. Only disabling distant land seemed to work.

I then restored back to official 3.8, regenerated distantland, and loaded the save. Noticed right away that the shader effect was loading instantly even with distantland enabled. No crashes at all during spellcasting.

So for completness I reinstalled build 0098, regenerated distantland, and loaded the save. Again a shader effect delay was present as well as spell casting crashes.

I copied and overwrote the MGE files in order to upgrade and downgrade builds during these tests. Does this result in a proper configuration of MGE? I noticed it saved my settings.

Hope this helps.
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:20 am

Build 0098 problem:

I used only the same test save that has Vampiric Hunger Shader activated directly on load, so my screen is red. Tests took place over a period of about 45-50 minutes.

I notice weird crashes when casting spells directly after loading so I begin to diagnose. I start deactivating mods thinking it is a problem there but no luck. I then deactivated distantland. This is when I noticed that there was a delay in the loading of the Shader effect because disabling distantland caused the red screen Vampiric Hunger shader to load instantly. When I say delay I mean it takes about three seconds for the shader to show on the screen after loading. Casting spells caused no crashes after disabling distantland. I then activated distantland and noticed the shader delay again. Spells caused crashes about 90% of the time while casting. I believe I tried removing the shader mod and it still resulted in crashes. Only disabling distant land seemed to work.

I then restored back to official 3.8, regenerated distantland, and loaded the save. Noticed right away that the shader effect was loading instantly even with distantland enabled. No crashes at all during spellcasting.

So for completness I reinstalled build 0098, regenerated distantland, and loaded the save. Again a shader effect delay was present as well as spell casting crashes.

I copied and overwrote the MGE files in order to upgrade and downgrade builds during these tests. Does this result in a proper configuration of MGE? I noticed it saved my settings.

Hope this helps.
You don't need to regenerate Distant Land. Configuration is proper if you don't use any new key macro functions (i.e. "Toggle distant statics" and following it).

As for crashes, I didn't look much at code changed by d4w so I can't say anything about it right now.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:30 pm

Ok, I spent some more time messing with it now that I know you don't need to regenerate. I just alternated builds over and over by copy and pasting them. I did this many times and not once could I reproduce these problems on the official build and not once did the problems fail to produce themselves on the test build. I even used the test build to generate the distantland to see if perhaps that process had changed. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the way the builds process distantland as the same results occured either way. Which I guess makes sense since you said I don't need to regenerate so the builds must use the same generation process. I thought maybe there might have been a change since the UI was different.

Anyway, sorry if there isn't really any new info there I'm just trying to help. I guess I'm saying that I have tested this a lot and it isn't some fluke.
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Jessica White
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:06 am

Ok, I spent some more time messing with it now that I know you don't need to regenerate. I just alternated builds over and over by copy and pasting them. I did this many times and not once could I reproduce these problems on the official build and not once did the problems fail to produce themselves on the test build. I even used the test build to generate the distantland to see if perhaps that process had changed. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the way the builds process distantland as the same results occured either way. Which I guess makes sense since you said I don't need to regenerate so the builds must use the same generation process. I thought maybe there might have been a change since the UI was different.

Anyway, sorry if there isn't really any new info there I'm just trying to help. I guess I'm saying that I have tested this a lot and it isn't some fluke.
Did you test if this issue occur also in builds previous to rev_0098.

You can download them from the page linked in my sig.
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:55 pm

New test version of MGE is available for download - mge3.8-SVN_rev-0098.

MGEgui.exe Distant Land Setup Wizard changes:
  • added: INI file handling for distant land setup settings, Distant Land Setup Wizard settings are saved when 'Finish' button is clicked (more settings of MGE in future)
  • added: new dialog box showing last warnings in grid form
  • added: plugins selection view sort order for extended readability
  • added: multiple static override lists handling in selected by user order (latter files on list override former)
  • added: messagebox showing missing texture during statics creation with option to skip missing texture and continue statics setup
  • tweak: changed plugins selection to use checkboxes
  • tweak: plugins for Distant Land Setup are now always loaded in game load order
  • tweak: changed layout of Statics tab
  • tweak: changed default statics override list extension to '.ovr'
d3d8.dll changes:
  • fixed: (by d4w) render glitch of true interior MenuMode exit
  • fixed: (by d4w) getWaterLevel function causing some crashes
  • fixed: (by d4w) statics visibility error in MenuMode
  • fixed: (by d4w) corrected fog in 'behave like exterior' cells (water bug with the reflected sun) -> water became more transparent

Testing results for mge3.8-svn_rev-0098:

* Verified - 'Distant Land Setup Wizard' settings are saved to MGE.ini when 'Finish' button is clicked.
* Verified - MGE.ini read by 'Distant Land Setup Wizard' to auto-set distantland settings back to what was used the last time Wizard was run.
* Verified - selecting Warnings button after distantland files are generated displays dialog box showing warnings in grid form.
* Verified - changing the sort order for plugins selection view sorts list appropriately; last selected sort method is saved to MGE.ini and becomes the default on next Wizard run.
* Verified - multiple exception lists selectable; user interface allows to sort lists as desired; last list has priority (override entries verified in-game).
* Verified - missing texture messagebox displayed with name of missing texture; selecting to continue allows distant statics creation to continue.
* Verified - plugins selection list now uses checkboxes.
* Verified - .ovr extension by default when exporting list of statics; .ovr filetype filtered for by default when browsing for exception lists.

Not sure how to test that the plugins for Distant Land Setup are always loaded in game load order. If this is the case, then maybe it would be a solution for overriding deleted/moved references by giving priority to the latest modification.

* Confirmed - one frame render glitch no longer happens on MenuMode exit.
* Confirmed - statics visibility error while in MenuMode appears to be fixed.

I haven't run into the getWaterLevel function causing crashes yet. And have not had a chance to test interior fog levels in 'behave like exterior' cells.

* Extraneous data is getting left in MGE.ini if the length of the file is less than what it was after the previous save, i.e. first run generated distantland using Morrowind.ini; second run cleared plugins list and selected only Morrowind.esm >> resulting MGE.ini retains partial list of old selected plugins data at end of file after [DLWizard Static Overrides] section (and there is another [DLWizard Static Overrides] section following old plugin data).

The side effect from this is that the 'Selected Static Override Lists' window will list all of these extraneous entries and cause unneeded warnings (unable to process exception list - ignored), and the second [DLWizard Static Overrides] section may cause undesired overrides. The extraneous entries will also show in the override list frame of the 'Statics' section of the Wizard.

* Unable to clear extraneous data entries from MGE.ini using the 'Clear' and 'Save' buttons from 'Selected Static Override Lists' window - looks like only the first couple characters of the path are removed, then the rest of the path is written to MGE.ini after a carriage return; the displayed override list will change/clear for the current run, but the next time 'Distant Land Setup Wizard' is run, the 'Statics' section override list frame and 'Selected Static Override Lists' window list will show the extraneous entries again.

* Only the parameters changed from MGEgui defaults are saved to MGE.ini [DLWizard Settings] section; the exception is the 'World mesh detail' (probably because it is dependent on system specs and the size of the world map based on selected plugins). Unless each parameter is changed by the user, those default setting will not be saved in MGE.ini. If the setting is changed and then later manually returned to the default setting by the user, then the existing entry in MGE.ini is updated and saved (as expected).

* Allow the 'Selected Static Override Lists' window width to auto adjust for the longest file path selected, or at least make it about 25% wider.

* Please do allow the selection of different directories than 'Data Files' for 'Distant Land Setup Wizard' plugin selection. Plugins that are only needed for MGE distantland generation should not need to be located in the 'Data Files' folder - less chance that the user will accidentally activate them as part of the load order when they aren't supposed to. Having the user make a conscience effort to select MGE-only plugins and keep them separate from the in-game data files is better.

FYI: missing textures will only be flagged if 'Statics' section >> 'Mipmap levels to skip' is something other than zero. MGEgui only generates low quality textures for statics when it needs to skip mipmap levels during the distant statics creation step.


In regards to double-clicking a plugin... the current implementation is spot on - that's how it works in the Launcher and the CS. It's familiar and consistent with what's already in use. ^_^
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matt white
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:20 am

Is game crash occurs, when are in an Exterior?

I haven't run into the getWaterLevel function causing crashes yet. And have not had a chance to test interior fog levels in 'behave like exterior' cells.

- variable WaterLevel() in MGE code - CTD at Spiffyman
- at the minimum visibility it was visible water at a sunset
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:39 pm

Yea, I forgot to mention crashes all happened in interiors. Will test exteriors and other versions and report back.


I created 3 new tests saves. One replicating exactly the conditions of my original test save. This was in an interior added by a mod, with the VH shader activated at the time of save. I then walked outside into an exterior and created my second save. Next, I walked into a different interior this one not added by a mod and created my third save. All 3 saves have the VH shader activated.

I notice long delays when ceartin kinds of scripts are running in an interior with this build 0098 that aren't present in offical. I think it is the same issue that is causing the shader delay. I can produce these delays without that shader.

Results of first save are identical to what I posted before.

Loading into my exterior save produced the same delay but I failed to crash the game. Even walking back into an interior cell I still couldn't crash the game.

Loading into my third save, which was in a stock interior cell, produced a crash every time on load during that delay period that I have been mentioning. Official build loads this save without a hitch.

Will now try other builds and edit my post after.

Edit 2:

Build 0097:

Identical to build 0098. Was able to reproduce the exact same issues in all 3 of my saves.

Build 0096:

Works! This build acts just like official. Was unable to reproduce any delays or crashes in any of my saves.

Oh, yea just wanted to reiterate that disabling distanland solves all of these problems in these builds. I just now saw some pages back that you guys had some discussion on this issue. I'm pretty sure MGE is in fact causing some issue. I'm pretty sure distantland, or something connected to its functioning, is the cause of the issues in these builds.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm

Very similar a Memory Map, I will upload test versions later.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:22 am

Testing results for mge3.8-svn_rev-0098:


* Extraneous data is getting left in MGE.ini if the length of the file is less than what it was after the previous save, i.e. first run generated distantland using Morrowind.ini; second run cleared plugins list and selected only Morrowind.esm >> resulting MGE.ini retains partial list of old selected plugins data at end of file after [DLWizard Static Overrides] section (and there is another [DLWizard Static Overrides] section following old plugin data).

The side effect from this is that the 'Selected Static Override Lists' window will list all of these extraneous entries and cause unneeded warnings (unable to process exception list - ignored), and the second [DLWizard Static Overrides] section may cause undesired overrides. The extraneous entries will also show in the override list frame of the 'Statics' section of the Wizard.

* Unable to clear extraneous data entries from MGE.ini using the 'Clear' and 'Save' buttons from 'Selected Static Override Lists' window - looks like only the first couple characters of the path are removed, then the rest of the path is written to MGE.ini after a carriage return; the displayed override list will change/clear for the current run, but the next time 'Distant Land Setup Wizard' is run, the 'Statics' section override list frame and 'Selected Static Override Lists' window list will show the extraneous entries again.
That may be because I accidentally deleted latest extensively tested by me version of source code for INI handling, and had to rewrite changes made after last backup, but I didn't run more than basic tests afterwards.

* Only the parameters changed from MGEgui defaults are saved to MGE.ini [DLWizard Settings] section; the exception is the 'World mesh detail' (probably because it is dependent on system specs and the size of the world map based on selected plugins). Unless each parameter is changed by the user, those default setting will not be saved in MGE.ini. If the setting is changed and then later manually returned to the default setting by the user, then the existing entry in MGE.ini is updated and saved (as expected).
Oh. I forgot to set flag to save also default settings to INI after rewriting lost code.

* Allow the 'Selected Static Override Lists' window width to auto adjust for the longest file path selected, or at least make it about 25% wider.
I will make the window wider.

* Please do allow the selection of different directories than 'Data Files' for 'Distant Land Setup Wizard' plugin selection. Plugins that are only needed for MGE distantland generation should not need to be located in the 'Data Files' folder - less chance that the user will accidentally activate them as part of the load order when they aren't supposed to. Having the user make a conscience effort to select MGE-only plugins and keep them separate from the in-game data files is better.
Additional directories for plugin scan will be added in the next build.

I'll make appropriate changes and make a new test build when I'm back home.


Build 0096:

Works! This build acts just like official. Was unable to reproduce any delays or crashes in any of my saves.
Build 0096 was the last that doesn't have Distant Land enabled in interiors.

In the future (MGE settings saved to INI) there will be option to not use distant land in interiors.
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:15 pm

What are the benefits of having Distant Land enabled in interiors?
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:36 pm

What are the benefits of having Distant Land enabled in interiors?
MGE water :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:22 am

I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but I'm having a slight problem with MGE 3.8 and the HSLS HDR 6 shader. Upon starting a new game the whole screen is basically bright glowing yellow... unless a dialog box is present (for instance if I'm looking at Jiub and it's displaying his name or he's talking with subtitles enabled everything looks fine, otherwise I can't see anything at all beyond random yellow stuff). This persists until I enter the Census and Excise Office. It does this even with no mods enabled. Just a clean Morrowind/Tribunal/Bloodmoon install (fully patched and using MCP) and MGE. I know I can just set a key to disable shaders and just disable them during that part of the game, but that seems like a lame work around. Anyone know what might be causing this strangeness? Seems strange it would only happen until I get to a certain point in-game.

btw I use a GeForce 9800 GTX+ if that matters.
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:56 pm

I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but I'm having a slight problem with MGE 3.8 and the HSLS HDR 6 shader. Upon starting a new game the whole screen is basically bright glowing yellow... unless a dialog box is present (for instance if I'm looking at Jiub and it's displaying his name or he's talking with subtitles enabled everything looks fine, otherwise I can't see anything at all beyond random yellow stuff). This persists until I enter the Census and Excise Office. It does this even with no mods enabled. Just a clean Morrowind/Tribunal/Bloodmoon install (fully patched and using MCP) and MGE. I know I can just set a key to disable shaders and just disable them during that part of the game, but that seems like a lame work around. Anyone know what might be causing this strangeness? Seems strange it would only happen until I get to a certain point in-game.

btw I use a GeForce 9800 GTX+ if that matters.

Every now and then I have to explain this. So here goes.

The reason for this is that MW does some weird stuff at the beginning of the game, the first few cells that it doesn't do anywhere else in the game. Modders arn't even quite sure what it is but we know it's the cause for this problem and can't be resolved easily if at all untill it's fully figured out, which doesn't seem to be a high priority.

What I did: I made shaders toggleable so I turned them off during the first few cells.

Hope that answers your question. This issue really should be added to the first post.

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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:30 pm

I've reinstalled Morrowind from fresh, and am now going through the process of adding all my neccesary mods. I'm unsure whether it's worth me using the MGE though. I'm using an Nvidea Geforce 6200 with a gig of RAM. I'm guessing this isn't enough to really appreciate the MGE. Can anyone advice me otherwise, or is it just not worth the trouble on this rig?

Thanks in advance to any advice.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:12 am

Has any work been done on being able to change the FOV? I know I'd really appreciate that function.
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Shelby McDonald
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