New test version of MGE is available for download - mge3.8-SVN_rev-0098.
MGEgui.exe Distant Land Setup Wizard changes:
- added: INI file handling for distant land setup settings, Distant Land Setup Wizard settings are saved when 'Finish' button is clicked (more settings of MGE in future)
- added: new dialog box showing last warnings in grid form
- added: plugins selection view sort order for extended readability
- added: multiple static override lists handling in selected by user order (latter files on list override former)
- added: messagebox showing missing texture during statics creation with option to skip missing texture and continue statics setup
- tweak: changed plugins selection to use checkboxes
- tweak: plugins for Distant Land Setup are now always loaded in game load order
- tweak: changed layout of Statics tab
- tweak: changed default statics override list extension to '.ovr'
d3d8.dll changes:
- fixed: (by d4w) render glitch of true interior MenuMode exit
- fixed: (by d4w) getWaterLevel function causing some crashes
- fixed: (by d4w) statics visibility error in MenuMode
- fixed: (by d4w) corrected fog in 'behave like exterior' cells (water bug with the reflected sun) -> water became more transparent
Testing results for mge3.8-svn_rev-0098:
* Verified - 'Distant Land Setup Wizard' settings are saved to MGE.ini when 'Finish' button is clicked.
* Verified - MGE.ini read by 'Distant Land Setup Wizard' to auto-set distantland settings back to what was used the last time Wizard was run.
* Verified - selecting Warnings button after distantland files are generated displays dialog box showing warnings in grid form.
* Verified - changing the sort order for plugins selection view sorts list appropriately; last selected sort method is saved to MGE.ini and becomes the default on next Wizard run.
* Verified - multiple exception lists selectable; user interface allows to sort lists as desired; last list has priority (override entries verified in-game).
* Verified - missing texture messagebox displayed with name of missing texture; selecting to continue allows distant statics creation to continue.
* Verified - plugins selection list now uses checkboxes.
* Verified - .ovr extension by default when exporting list of statics; .ovr filetype filtered for by default when browsing for exception lists.
Not sure how to test that the plugins for Distant Land Setup are always loaded in game load order. If this is the case, then maybe it would be a solution for overriding deleted/moved references by giving priority to the latest modification.
* Confirmed - one frame render glitch no longer happens on MenuMode exit.
* Confirmed - statics visibility error while in MenuMode appears to be fixed.
I haven't run into the getWaterLevel function causing crashes yet. And have not had a chance to test interior fog levels in 'behave like exterior' cells.
* Extraneous data is getting left in MGE.ini if the length of the file is less than what it was after the previous save, i.e. first run generated distantland using Morrowind.ini; second run cleared plugins list and selected only Morrowind.esm >> resulting MGE.ini retains partial list of old selected plugins data at end of file after [DLWizard Static Overrides] section (and there is another [DLWizard Static Overrides] section following old plugin data).
The side effect from this is that the 'Selected Static Override Lists' window will list all of these extraneous entries and cause unneeded warnings (unable to process exception list - ignored), and the second [DLWizard Static Overrides] section may cause undesired overrides. The extraneous entries will also show in the override list frame of the 'Statics' section of the Wizard.
* Unable to clear extraneous data entries from MGE.ini using the 'Clear' and 'Save' buttons from 'Selected Static Override Lists' window - looks like only the first couple characters of the path are removed, then the rest of the path is written to MGE.ini after a carriage return; the displayed override list will change/clear for the current run, but the next time 'Distant Land Setup Wizard' is run, the 'Statics' section override list frame and 'Selected Static Override Lists' window list will show the extraneous entries again.
* Only the parameters changed from MGEgui defaults are saved to MGE.ini [DLWizard Settings] section; the exception is the 'World mesh detail' (probably because it is dependent on system specs and the size of the world map based on selected plugins). Unless each parameter is changed by the user, those default setting will not be saved in MGE.ini. If the setting is changed and then later manually returned to the default setting by the user, then the existing entry in MGE.ini is updated and saved (as expected).
* Allow the 'Selected Static Override Lists' window width to auto adjust for the longest file path selected, or at least make it about 25% wider.
* Please do allow the selection of different directories than 'Data Files' for 'Distant Land Setup Wizard' plugin selection. Plugins that are only needed for MGE distantland generation should not need to be located in the 'Data Files' folder - less chance that the user will accidentally activate them as part of the load order when they aren't supposed to. Having the user make a conscience effort to select MGE-only plugins and keep them separate from the in-game data files is better.
FYI: missing textures will only be flagged if 'Statics' section >> 'Mipmap levels to skip' is something other than zero. MGEgui only generates low quality textures for statics when it needs to skip mipmap levels during the distant statics creation step.
In regards to double-clicking a plugin... the current implementation is spot on - that's how it works in the Launcher and the CS. It's familiar and consistent with what's already in use. ^_^