Hi, I am in need of help please!
I am having a problem with the animated grass. I do everything I should according to Vality's guide, I have installed the 3 programs one has to download and install. Installed them all on a same file in
Bethesda Softworks (hope this isn't a problem, although I don't get any "error about MGEfuncs.dll" when I generate distant land). I have disabled them (the Grass.esps), added Liztail's meshes. When I set up the Distant land thing I press "
Use ini." and then I press
"Add" and add all four Grass.esp files from Vality then go on as usual and
still it just doesn't wand to work! :banghead: I have done I don't know how many time but to no avail!
What happens: Nothing the grass does not appear at all. If I then check the Grass esps then they appear (not animated).
I must be doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out what! Oh and one last crucial detail: I have Vista (sigh).
Hope someone can help

[quick update] I just found out that I have the 3.5.7 (something like that) version so that maybe the cause...

(at least I hope it is the reason)