Thank goodness it was released when it was.
It would just be like Skyrim if it was out now.
You would need a Steam account and could not play it without Steam/Valve and goodness knows who else's access to your computer 24/7. You would be pestered with a buggy game, hideous interface and as of yet no mod kit. And when you do get to mod it has to be "allowed" by Steam/Valve who will own your mod and can do with it whatever they want.
So no, I for one am glad it came out just before this idea of the company owning the buyer, but the buyer cannot own the game.
So leave it alone and let the old crowd of modders take FULL 100% pride in the fact that they made Bethesda as big as it is - without them it you would not even remember Morrowind.
-you can set Steam to work offline and play Skyrim without having to be on steam or on net. You just don't get automatic updates.
-without mods Morrowind was pretty buggy too. In fact it was much mroe buggy for me than Skyrim is now (that is, Skyrim is not buggy at all for me, not a single bug on my end yet, while Morrowind would crash usually after an hour of session, vanilla)
-mods don't have to be allowed, steam is just one of the options. We'll still be able to upload to PES, Nexus and other sites which they have no control over, whatsoever.
will be out, and shortly. It just needed much more testing because of all of the new features connected to steam, + it's now much more complicated to mod things than it was modding Morrowind which was more or less a piece of cake, aside from scripting and such.
I do like Morrowind more, but Skyrim is not a bad game and I'm not gonna stand crapstorms about things that aren't true.
edot: just realize it was a comment from the 1st page, late response.