morrowind has stopped working error

Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:24 am

Well I recently got a brand new windows 7 pc as a gift. I found out that it was not as great as card wise atlease having a basic card in it...but never look a gift horse in the mouth right?

Anyway I have morrowind on my direct2drive account. I figured i would put it on my new pc and play it some more, seeing how I played with no trouble on my xp. So I installed it and all, it opens the


And I click play. It opens a black box then says ''morrowind has stopped working''. I looked on line for options. I have tried running it in xp service pack 2 compatable mode, run as admin, moving it to /c:... I am sorta out of options now as thats all the tips I could find to fix it.

I hope you all can help me figure this out.
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