so is there any way to just turn off the music it self cause alls i see is adio and i don't want to turn off all the sound to the game just the music. i herd that when turning of the music in a game it makes it run a lot better.
so if i turn of the adio in the .ini will it turn off all the adio or just the music?
To disable the music go to the music folder in Data Files and add (disabled) to the name of the Explore folder and Battle folder so it's like Explore(disabled) or Battle(disabled). The audio in the ini is for sound effects.
so just cange the name of the folder not any thing inside? and explorer is the music it self? cause i stil want the sounds for when i fight i just want to get rid of the music not any sound fx
The folder Explore in Music is for the music normally playing and Battle is for battle music. If you don't want any of the music then just add (disabled) to their name. It's in Morrowind/Data Files/Music.
so just cange the name of the folder not any thing inside?