Tribes and Houses:
As you all know, the Dunmer are politically, and culturally, divided into Great Houses and Ashlander tribes. This divide happened only after the establishment of a 'modern' government. There is great similarity here between the divide between the Gaidhealtachd and the Lowlands, where in the former there were conservative Gaelic clans that created and put into practice their own definition of a modern society, and in the latter there were houses, such as Hamilton and Stewart, that were responsible for different areas of Scotland and feuded more often than their Gaelic cousins. Before 1034, all people in Alba (the Gaelic name for Scotland) were Gaels. Scots were simply not a race. After that, however, the different cultural group in the Lowlands became Anglicised and feudal of their own free will - in Morrowind, the Tribunal came to power, and reformed the culture and religion, just as Malcolm Canmore (or more specifically, Queen Margaret) did in Scotland. Whilst there were Great Houses before the Tribunal, they were never as far from the Ashland tribes as they were after the Tribunal took power.
Ethnic Divides by Geography:
In the islands in the north and to a lesser extent the west of Vvardenfell, many inhabitants are Nordic. In the islands to the north and west of Scotland, the many inhabitants are of Norse descent. In the south of Vvardenfell, there are more Imperials. In the south of Scotland, there are more families that trace their ancestry to Saxons or Normans. In the far south of Morrowind, there are families that raid across the border and take slaves. In the far south of Scotland (and the far north of England) you had Border reivers, which did much the same until the Scots took the English throne and founded the United Kingdom.
The Gaels are said to have been led to Ireland by Mil Espaine, who seems a lot like Veloth in that had led his people towards a distant land because their own society was perceived to be under threat. Most historians agree that if the Gaels did indeed arrive in Ireland from Iberia, as all real evidence seems to show, then they would have done so either when Carthage was beginning to found colonies in Iberia or just before Rome was founded.
We were not the first people in Scotland, much like the Chimer were not the first people in Morrowind. There were the Picts there before us, who are very similar to the Dwemer in that they were for most of their existence master builders and artists, and, in a sense, created their own gods by worshipping creatures and numbers.
The Picts were conquered, through the inheritance of the Pictish throne by the Gaelic king of Dal Riada, and their culture disappeared. This is not quite Red Mountain, of course, but it does seem like the disappearance of the Dwemer, with just as much proof for any explanations as to why an entire race and culture would disappear (of course, in Alba it took a few years, in Morrowind it took less than half a second).
Scotland was incorporated into the United Kingdom. It did found it, and, whilst Morrowind did not found the Tamrielic Empire, there are similarities. Both states kept their own laws and traditions.
These are the main points of my argument for Morrowind being partly inspired by events in Gaelic history, and the culture of the races of Scotland. Feel free to beat the hell out of it - I'll get back to reading the history books and will then check the Imperial Library to find more points