Morrowind MGE shader issue?

Post » Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:37 pm

Hey there...

I′ve been (and kinda still are) in the process of setting up a new installation of a modded Morrowind, like about 1000 times before. ;D

Anyway while setting up MGE I ran into this strange shader issue where a shader would work but when I focus on something (NPC, door, crate/chest,...anything you can interact with) the shader would stop working, then work again when I stop focussing on something....never had this happen before, and I′ve been using MGE for years now. Happens with every shader and every setting I′ve tried.

I′m using MGE 3.80b, Morrowind Code Patch 2.0 and, so far, just some standard mods like better bodies & better heads. This issue kinda stopped progress on setting up everything.

Hopefully someone around here has an idea about how to get rid of this issue? Would be quite the bummer not being able to use any shaders at all...

Cant describe it real good so I made a short video that shows exactly whats happening. Using a non-optimized bloom shader so you can see real good whats going on.

Thanks in advance!

Here′s the video: /watch?v=HScoRlePAe0 (remove the space between the ".com" and the "/watch" ... for some reason it tells me I′m not allowed to post links??)
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Anthony Rand
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