ill start with where is creatures X. i tried the link on the morrowind gameplay mod being put together by kingpenguin but although it leads to the site the site itself doesnt have a download link that works.....
second i forgot how many useless enchanted items are in the game and i try to avoid making my own because of how easy it is to imbalance everything and become godlike. i restrict myself to spells and enchanted items that i can find or buy. there was a mod that i remember using that changes alot of hte enchantment to be permanent instead of stupid cast when use stuff. the mod was pretty well balanced and there wasnt anything that i found that was uber overpowering like restore health 10 points every second or anything like that. im just blanking on the name.
there was a really cool scripted sword that was duel wiedling i think with its scabard or another blade. it was white and it was in some tomb somewhere. all i remember about it is something with pajamas. they also had names like hope an peace or something like that.
i found lilacor again..... :tes: best weapon mod EVER
could anyone recommend a good weapon balance mod that increase overall weapon damage by at least twice. i got used to quick fights in oblivion and as much as i love morrowind.............its combat svcks balls.
i gotta say im having a complete blast. i have forgotten about alot of stuff although some of it is coming back........its like a new game.

almost forgot. what is the best city expansion mod as of now. are the ones by princess stomper Suran still the best? i heard there are two big vivec mods now, which one is the best?
sorry if i asked alot im just remembering bits and pieces from my old games.