dont know how long its been around.
i used to use a different one years ago that looked like it was written in java and had a simpler interface. ill try MASH BAIN out. i never had any issues with obmm or fomm. its not a huge deal i just have to remember to load the mods again otherwise i get lots of annoying messages.
edit: that brings up another question. should i be using yacobys version of mash or is the regular one good enough. i got the impression hes kind of at a beta stage with his but if its stable and working i just assume use the latest and greatest.

further edit: wow that was easy. didnt even bother with the direction i just went and figured it out on my own. it basically operates the same as obmm the way you can set up a mod. the only problem i had was that i couldnt figure out why it wasnt seeing them when i put them in the install folder (i already know mash put that there after i installed it so it was a logical guess) finally figured out that even though MASH is set for my steam folder it was still looking in C programs etc. my steam is set up on my other harddrive.

everythings working now and it doesnt deactive my mods so ill be switching.