We know that the Morrowind Modding Community is quite big. There is a great number of mods and a great number of modders.
Everybody with skill, patience and tools can shape Morrowind the way he desired!
We have seen and will continue to see many projects, from the most little to massive ones!
In this thread I would like to discuss about the latter. During this ten-or-so years many great ideas failed, unfortunately, to see the light they deserved.
Why? Well, the reasons could be so many that we would need a whole forum just for that!
So here is what I ask myself and would like you all to ask yourself: wouldn't it be better if modders who create similar mods would join together and merge their projects?
I know, this might sound like a creativity-stop, but isn't it true that a mod could only get better if shaped by many minds?
No mod is better than another one, we all know that, but isn't it better to have one, two or three massive mods than to have ten, twenty or thirty unfished-massive mods?
So, why all the question marks? Well, I am still forming my own opinion about that!
Please share yours here!
PS: Me, personally, I am particularly interested in the opinion of the author(s) of massive mods!