Some ideas: a decent search is a must. At least searchable by mod name, author and description; ideally also by archive file name.
Ability to flag an entry as being a possible duplicate for the MMH moderators to investigate. When I was uploading a couple of weeks ago I tried to ensure I didn't upload something that was already there, however with the different filenames that sites like Euro-Morrowind forced it's possible there're multiple copies of the same file up there.
When I uploaded files I entered what I thought was the mod's birth date. I thought this was a great thing to have but it's not displayed in the download form, which is a shame.
The ability for people to suggest external mirrors would be good, I'm sure there's some files on MMH that're on PES or on smaller author-owned sites, and I was told about one I'd uploaded.
As to mod categories I think what's there now is good enough. Although from memory there are differences between the categories for "Unprocessed" and "Processed" mods. Just come up with a category set and regardless of how detailed it is there'll always be mods that end up in Miscellaneous. Oh, and as this is about Morrowind mod history how about a category of "Awful Daedric Armor Retextures"? There was a
load of those around back in the day...

Getting MMH searchable via ES Search 2 would be
wonderfulI like the idea of the moderator's reports (I assume it's not automated) for GMSTs and dirty references that appear at the bottom of each mod's entry. I seem to remember some talk of using tes3cmd, automatically creating a tes3cmd-cleaned version of the mod in the archive (
not replacing the original) would be a nice idea.
When opening up a category it should be sortable on each column (currently Name, Author, Date, Filesize, # of Downloads) perhaps also with the ability to apply filters to those columns
Some kind of "mods uploaded" News page would be cool too. Some kind of RSS feed showing new, approved mods and updated mods. I would've thought a once a day script to identify changes in the last 24 hours could be quite doable... And then include the feed in, of course

Finally, fixing the things I reported and in subsequent posts would be great, and you've already mentioned that so I assume that's on the cards.
OK, that's what I've got for now. No idea how possible or feasible any of that is.
I would like to thank you again for hosting MMH. It's an invaluable resource and much appreciated by all who sail in her. And thanks for taking the time to even consider updating it

Oh, btw, Fligg. You should update your Profile here, your website is still shown as ""