I would love to see a Soticoto interview, to learn what inspired him to make the Asian clothing, especially the Fong Sai-Yuk cheongsam. I like that top so much I turned one of my white gung-fu tops into one. Not to mention his Dreamers suffering from early and late stage Corprus added some truly disturbing images. Especially the eyelessness. I was moved so much, I added that aspect in a fanfic, with proper credit to Soticoto for the mental imagery.
Echo the LGNPC team, and Westly. Almost 1/5 of my maxed load list was his, and another 1/5 Emma's, until the combined master packages.
Oh, and I'd like to know in an interview which of the MW creation team made our characters ambidextrous? When you swing a sword in your right hand and shoot a bow with it as well, you're a left handed archer and a right handed swordsperson. I found that intriguing