'bout time there was a #morrowind. Nice work on making the channel! :foodndrink:
For anyone interested, I've been working the past few days on a bot for the #morrowind and #ghf* channels. It's running right now, actually. Feel free to play with it.
It's not the most terribly powerful or fully featured bot, but it can do a few things that might be helpful. I was told I should write a tutorial or help on it, so I'm mentioning it here and including that:

Any command to the bot from an open channel needs to start with !tesbot. You can send it private messages, those need not use the prefix. The built-in commands help and help {command} will give you a list of commands and the info and syntax for a particular command, respectively. The names and syntax of some commands is a bit wonky, but I'm working to smooth it out.
Currently the most useful commands are/will be:
!tesbot help
: prints a list of commands
!tesbot help {command}
: prints the syntax and description of a command
!tesbot syntax {script function}
: looks up a script command and gives you the syntax and a brief description. Basically MWSfD embedded into the channel. I'm still filling the DB with info, so only some commands are recognized.
!tesbot write note {tag} in {pad} "{note}"
: records a brief note in the notepad. Notes are identified by a tag/pad, the combo must be unique (one note with each tag in each pad). The note can contain any character except for ' or ", the tag and pad must be alphanumeric. I'm not sure if there's a length limit, but it's probably not short.
!tesbot get note {tag} from {pad}
: reads a note back
!tesbot read note {tag} from {pad}
: same as above
!tesbot edit note {tag} in {pad} into "{note}"
: edits a note (or creates one if it doesn't exist). Writing a note will give you an error if you use a tag that's been taken, this won't. Same rules for tag/pad/note as writing.
!tesbot erase note {tag} from {pad}
: erases a note.
He should be running whenever my secondary desktop is on, usually 24/7. Don't worry about taking a lot of notes or bandwidth/storage issues, I have plenty of bandwidth (20mbit, 250gig/month) and the data is all stored in a SQLite database (I have 60+ gigs of free space and notes take <1kb, on average). If anyone wants to see the source, I'll send it over.
Hopefully this little bugger can be useful.