Morrowind NPCPC animation. Questions and Answers.

Post » Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:58 pm

I have asked them already.

So the problems are, with editing the skeleton IIRC...

1). "may be impossible though to me, due to the way Morrowind mixes different animations together", I am afraid you are right: we know nothing about that. It obviously does something (head rotations, animations with a torch, odd problems with PlayGroup/LoopGroup). However, I have tried to add extra finger bones to lower and upper body parts (neck and pelvis without obvious problems). I think it is worthwhile to ask MW code patch developers when they will be back to check that.

2). I have no idea and have to check some stuff.

3) I am not sure that amount of work is justified. People are very conservative and scared of any global initiatives (see debates about BB alternative body meshes). I, myself, prefer local (NPC level) modifications.

4) Probably. TESCS (hight/weight) might work with the scene root.

5) I have made only few animations with scale bones, there were no problems. However, these bones have influence within a NiTriShape. I guess seamless bodies will not work with MW clothes/armor slots/replacement system.

6) Yes, that's aPitA and the NifTools Max project is actually, unfortunately, dead.

Solutions as far as I can tell will require

1). We have to wait for a long time厖?br />
2) "How do Oblivion animators use twist bones?" I have no idea. I tried to ask them once: they were to proud to give any answer, the have just ignored me. I am very curious how Blender deals with twist bones.

To be short: my vision ?MW skeleton proportions revision is a very interesting idea, but we do not have sufficient information, skills, time, manpower, and no community request/support to start a massive frontal "attack". But, I will continue low profile "experiments" on this issue.

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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:05 am

How goes the low profile re-animation of our lovely RPG? ;)
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:13 am


I've found a new host for my site, which now includes links to download the base animations as 3dsmax files. Also, there is a link for the 3rd person blank (or rig) I modified for 3dsmax 4.2. The shadow is now physiqued to the biped.

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Post » Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:36 am

Having seen a link to this gem in Wretched Fetcher's Archiving Forum Thread - I thought it worth noting an observation I had on this when adding animation to the player using the latest MCP fix

Step 1. I have a face with a flipcontroller animating tears - this is not a true animation as it is just textures flipping - however the face is set up as a left glove and acts like a mask to the player's normal face - if the player is standing still the tears work fine as per my tears thread video example

Step 2. add a hug animation to the player - this is a classic RX31 animation

Step 3. script fires from dialogue that player wants a hug - NPC with corresponding animation attached kindly gives free hug, player responds

Observation - as the player leans forward slightly to do the hug the alignment of their head changes but the mask doesn't seem to follow the same position, no matter how I tried, changing from clothing to armor for instance the mask won't align correctly. Though I suspect if the head was aligned to the animation it should work... hmm

In the end I ripped the tears off the player as they are pretty much obscured during I'll save them for when I knock the milk over again.

This is not quite what Trey was mentioning all those years ago but seeing as player animations are now opened up to us I thought it worth throwing in an observation in case in some years down the track anyone is scratching their heads over similar behavior.

And I for one have been thinking about stringing some of the animations together for the player, sitting on chair, sitting on a bed, eating, drinking, they could all be used to fill out idles.


No black soul gems were harmed in resuscitating this thread

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Post » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:17 pm

Hope the new forum's gonna have a Like this post / Thanks for this post feature. :wink:
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