Let's see, well the last time I wrote in some opinions/ observations, a few of you gave me quite an earfull,...er...eyefull: cool, this is why I carry a copy of the Bill of Rights with me. It seems I wasn't specific enough when I thought the Elder Scrolls team was pretty close to gaming perfection with Oblivion, that needed a few tweeks. Some folks stopped reading, some questioned if I ever played Morrowind, and some actually thought I was kidding. Well fellow Elderites, I'm here to reply that I was introduced into the Elder Scrolls family with Oblivion, so yes, there is a certain amount of favoritism. I was so taken in by it that I actually played Morrowind, to get the feel of why you folks love it so much... so yes, I understand. I went into Morrowind "blind", and I learned the hard way of being careful who I killed, as I was also killing the possibility of playing many of the quests! Yup, I turned into one saving SOB after that game!
Someone mentioned that I was hoping that Skyrim would be an Oblivion2. On that note, I look at gaming in many facets, as we all do. My top few are Character Development, Game Play, and Game Mechanics/Electronics. So I will admit that I am guilty as charged when it comes to Character Development, that I was hoping Skyrim would be like Oblivion, as well as Morrowind. You see I REALLY love the whole attribute/ skill leveling of ES 3&4!!! My style of playing Oblivion was to max-out my attributes, and my skills, to really be what I played! I'm at level 69, and I'm at 100 on most of the skills. Leveling in skill and game at this point in my Skyrim playthrough is at an extreme snails pace. I feel like I'm just going through the motions with Skyrim.... this game IS NOT a " you are what play " game!
My challenge to the Elder Scrolls team, to prove my point, is to play Skyrim as a PURE Mage... like you could with Morrowind, and Oblivion. The fact of the matter is, you can't. As I have mentioned in past posts, Skyrim is a mixed soup of game play from other games, sadly of which none happen to be in the Elder Scroll series. However, as a suggestion to Mr. Howard, if they plan on an ES6, and are intent on useing the Fallout3 perk system....again; that they give a perk choice for every, let's say, 10 points of skill increase, as opposed to 1 every game level increase. Might I also suggest that you go back to giving a player automatic "perks" every 25 skill leveling.
Anyway, I've vented enough about Skyrim, but I will say, to it's credit, that there are many aspects to it that I enjoy, and is worthy of staying in my gaming library. For some reason, when I open the Skyrim map to that birdseye view of things, for the briefest of moments, one word comes to mind....Levitation.