:facepalm: now people are arguing if its a true RPG or not.
Back to what the OP requested, I believe there's a mod called "Contact hits" or something like that, which makes it so everytime you swing your sword, it hits the creature (like Oblivion). I'll try to find a link, but i svck at finding Morrowind mods

Also, check out http://www.mwmythicmods.com/MWE.htm. The "MWE" mod is similar to Deadly Reflex from Oblivion (allows beheading people with a critical hit, theres an add-on for it that makes Blocking like Oblivion, and more)
That does require MWSE though. (Morrowind Script Extender)
About "Contact Hits" I couldn't find it. I did find "http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=7898", which sounds like it will make combat more like Oblivion, however, you will still miss sometimes. You should probably just read the description and drawbacks for yourself

(btw, your English is great!)