I agree with you on this point. Bethesda really should've had their distant land visibility respond more realistically to weather. It's harder to feel overwhelmed and immersed in an open-ended RPG when you can just look over your shoulder and see every other Ayleid ruin you've already looted. At the same time I don't think distant land works in all situations - I think Vvardenfell looks awful when you can see everything. When I play the game I only use MGE's to roughly double the view distance, as if the game's render slider could merely go a little bit farther. That's me, though.
Whenever Oblivion brought up lore, it wasn't bad. I liked Mankar Camoran's writings and the history behind the Knights of the Nine. We got to learn a little more about the Alessian Empire and their battles against the Ayleids. Regrettably they left all the more recent, non-historical things underdeveloped such as the Colovian/Nibenese divide and the Cults of Dibella. Good job turning the Imperial Legion into the most memetic army in history and trying to make people assume thieves could never start a guild. I bet you Hieronymous Lex works for the Thieves Guild and was told to use his high status to convince everybody they didn't exist.