The comparison between MW and OB is like comparing two cakes. The first one had a relatively bland and only semi-sweet icing that took a little bit of chewing, but the cake underneath was superb. The latter one had a creamy, sweet icing, with lots of decorations, but the cake underneath was absolutely taseless. Those who liked icing (whether or not they ever tasted the actual cake) thought the second cake was much better, and couldn't understand why anyone would prefer the first cake. Those who took the time to get past the icing to the cake beneath kept insisting that the first cake was far superior. What's really needed is for the baker to produce a third cake with the first recipe but the second icing. Bethesda, the ball's in your court; please don't bake a fruitcake this time around.
Great, now I want cake.
But your cake anology does have a point. Then again, the first cake has icing made waaaay before the icing on the bland, tasteless cake, so icing-making technology has advanced. In my opinion, that makes the icings pretty much uncomparable.

And the first cake's icing is fixable, too, just maybe not to the point as to make it as good as the second cake's icing.