However there are some features that i simply cannot stand and unfortunately cant seem to disable (they are not covered by the code patcher).
My biggest issue is (with the 1.3 update) it seems all dunmer (and other races) now walk like they have a stick inserted into an awkward place :spotted owl:
Common sense would suggest that i simply disable the offending individual mod file and get on with life but im simply not 100% sure which one is doing it, and even then i have no experience modding animations so i dont want to bugger up any thing else. I SUSPECT (its early here and im tired) that it is governed by the file "Animated Morrowind" however im fairly sure this was installed before 1.3 and the problem kicked in during 1.3.. i think.
So does anyone have any insights? Im not particularly interested in sifting through every file that came with it so see which one edits the animation files (or however it is you actually edit animations. could it be as simple as deleteing a particular data file?)
Cheers :celebration:
NB yes i could have submitted this question to their blog/site but im sure there are more competant people floating around on these forums with the knowhow for a more immediate response.