» Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:01 pm
Good day! This mod has been absolutely fantastic, the amount of detail put into it astounds me. Thanks to you and all the modders who invested time and effort! I have had one issue, however, related to other mods, and I was wondering if I might ask for some advice as to resolving it. It isn't a game-breaking issue, but nonetheless:
Not long ago I successfully installed Morrowind Overhaul Sounds & Graphics, along with all of its associated plugins. Everything works fine in regards to it, but some time after, when I installed Morrowind Comes Alive and the Tamriel Rebuilt maps, I began to notice the missing texture indicators more often than I would expect.This is mostly associated with TR (lots of hair, tapestries, and sometimes clothing displaying the exclamation mark), but several MCA hairs and equipment pieces have also shown the problem. This seems like it would make sense if I had installed MOSG after the other two, but none of the textures were missing from the installation that I am aware of, so it is a bit puzzling.
Furthermore, the problem has extended to spells as well. I don't know how many spell textures are missing, but I noticed the Shield spell encasing me in a large exclamation sign, and I'm not certain what missing textures could be affecting this. I think the issue may be that the textures added in the two latter mods simply do not correspond with the myriad of modifications made by MOSG, in which case, would re-installing MOSG help the issue?
Many thanks again.