[RELz] Morrowind Overhaul - Sounds & Graphics

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:50 pm

It reminds me of "tx_scrubplain_1.dds"
Or something like that. I'm not really sure about that, because I don't have the PC with the game installed right now :P

Damn, you're good. That was it. I somehow missed it.

Thank you! That was driving me nuts. :foodndrink:
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Undisclosed Desires
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:03 pm

Damn, you're good. That was it. I somehow missed it.

Thank you! That was driving me nuts. :foodndrink:

Now that you told me, that texture could be certainly better.
I'll see :)
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:20 pm


Been looking at this and ... well I'm not certain.

I prefer to install things via BAIN in Wrye Mash and this seems to bypass all that and would not work well with mods that are installed that way.

So if this includes the Code patch - does that mean the most recent code patch?

What if I want to use MGE XE? Does this also bypass the normal use of MGE? Same with mlox and animation kit?

I guess my main concern is I'm pretty hands on - not sure if this will allow me as many options as I'm used to with installing and tweaking.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:58 pm


Been looking at this and ... well I'm not certain.

I prefer to install things via BAIN in Wrye Mash and this seems to bypass all that and would not work well with mods that are installed that way.

So if this includes the Code patch - does that mean the most recent code patch?

What if I want to use MGE XE? Does this also bypass the normal use of MGE? Same with mlox and animation kit?

I guess my main concern is I'm pretty hands on - not sure if this will allow me as many options as I'm used to with installing and tweaking.
All that this does is add mods to your game in an automated fashion with some optional components. Once installed, it is a normal modded game. Meaning that you deactivate any .esp you don't like or uninstall MGE and install MGE XE your self. An advanced mod user like yourself probably doesn't need this package. I found that I already had 75% of the included mods already installed.
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:04 pm

All that this does is add mods to your game in an automated fashion with some optional components. Once installed, it is a normal modded game. Meaning that you deactivate any .esp you don't like or uninstall MGE and install MGE XE your self. An advanced mod user like yourself probably doesn't need this package. I found that I already had 75% of the included mods already installed.

Yeah that is the conclusion I'm coming to - I'd rather have more control and pick and chose, as well as, use BAIN.

But it does provide quite a list of mods to check out - grateful for that.
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:01 am

Yeah that is the conclusion I'm coming to - I'd rather have more control and pick and chose, as well as, use BAIN.

But it does provide quite a list of mods to check out - grateful for that.

Yeah of course it's better to pick mods if you are capable/you are patient :)
Glad that you like the list!
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steve brewin
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:15 pm

I never noticed this, because most of it was scrolled out of view, but Mlox is displaying this message when I first start up the program:
!!!'Better Clothes_v1.1.esp' Requires:
> 'MISSING(Better Bodies.esp)'
| "Better Clothes" requires version 2.1 or 2.2 of Psychodog Studios' "Better Bodies"
| (Ref: betterclothes.txt)
> 'Texture Fix - Bloodmoon 1.1.esm'
| "Texture Fix - Bloodmoon" is included in the newer "Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul":
| http://planeteldersc....Detail&id=5268
| However, if you do not want the land sculpting done in the Overhaul, the author recommends you stick with "Texture Fix - Bloodmoon 1.1.esm" which just fixes seams.
!!'MISSING(Golden Gold Patch v1.0.esp)' for:
'Golden Gold.esp'
| "Golden Gold Patch v1.0.esp" adds the Golden Gold texture to two cursed Daedric coin types which were left out of the original.
| (Ref: "osiris' Golden Gold Patch v1.0 Readme.txt")
> 'TLM - Ambient Light + Fog Update.esp'
| In order to retain the modified interior light settings of TLM, "TLM - Ambient Light + Fog Update.esp" must load later than any mod that might change a pre-existing interior cell.
current saved to: current_loadorder.out
mlox sorted saved to: mlox_new_loadorder.out
You can ignore those errors.
The patches and mods that mlox says missing are merged into other files, so no problems.
Hey, KINGPIX. Could you let me know what ESP names I'd have to add into mlox to make sure these errors go away. It's been a while (February?) since I've knocked up any rules for mlox but as you've included mlox in the Overhaul it makes sense to make sure that mlox is "Morrowind Overhaul"-aware.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:26 am

KINGPIX => you have forget to write in your Modslist_Credits this mod :
+ Kid77’s Mods
> Ebonheart Fix

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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:26 pm

Installed in my game good GOD my it's beautiful. Thank you for the compilation, much easier then hand picking everything!
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:37 pm

Hey, KINGPIX. Could you let me know what ESP names I'd have to add into mlox to make sure these errors go away. It's been a while (February?) since I've knocked up any rules for mlox but as you've included mlox in the Overhaul it makes sense to make sure that mlox is "Morrowind Overhaul"-aware.

Only two of those are errors:
Better Bodies: install the non- pluginless version of better bodies if you want that error to disappear
Golden Gold: install the golden gold patch separately (right now it's merged in the main plugin).

KINGPIX => you have forget to write in your Modslist_Credits this mod :

Thanks :)

Installed in my game good GOD my it's beautiful. Thank you for the compilation, much easier then hand picking everything!

Glad you are enjoying it :celebration:
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:36 pm

Yeah that is the conclusion I'm coming to - I'd rather have more control and pick and chose, as well as, use BAIN.

Yeah, I came from Oblivion gaming, too, and am quite comfortable with BAIN and BOSS and Bashed Patches and such. But I will say that, because there are so many more texture mods for Morrowind, I found the Overhaul wonderful as a quick way to install a set of visual mods that had been tested to look good, work well together, and be lore-friendly. It would have taken me way too long to do all the research, make all those choices, and do all that testing on my own, not to mention the several tweaked and merged mods that KINGPIX created especially for the project; I just wanted to play the game. Now that said, immediately after installing the Overhaul the next thing I did was install Wrye Mash and added some gameplay enhancements using BAIN: it isn't like one precludes the other, except insofar as you can't manage the mods that the Overhaul installs through BAIN (although of course you can activate and deactivate them in the mods area of Wrye Mash). And I doubt I'll use the Gameplay Overhaul: there are fewer choices to make there, and I'm more comfortable making my own. But I think of the Sound & Graphics Overhaul as establishing a new base, vanilla Morrowind, onto which I can add new mods. So far it has been great for that.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:07 am

Yeah, I came from Oblivion gaming, too, and am quite comfortable with BAIN and BOSS and Bashed Patches and such. But I will say that, because there are so many more texture mods for Morrowind, I found the Overhaul wonderful as a quick way to install a set of visual mods that had been tested to look good, work well together, and be lore-friendly. It would have taken me way too long to do all the research, make all those choices, and do all that testing on my own, not to mention the several tweaked and merged mods that KINGPIX created especially for the project; I just wanted to play the game. Now that said, immediately after installing the Overhaul the next thing I did was install Wrye Mash and added some gameplay enhancements using BAIN: it isn't like one precludes the other, except insofar as you can't manage the mods that the Overhaul installs through BAIN (although of course you can activate and deactivate them in the mods area of Wrye Mash). And I doubt I'll use the Gameplay Overhaul: there are fewer choices to make there, and I'm more comfortable making my own. But I think of the Sound & Graphics Overhaul as establishing a new base, vanilla Morrowind, onto which I can add new mods. So far it has been great for that.

This, The overhaul replace every tex in MW, add sounds, animated npcs all with out errors or issues . I don't care how much experience you have the Overhaul is a damn good base, try getting 100 or so mods to work together so well, see how long the whole process takes. I myself got the Overhaul then used Connarys Texture packs, MCP 2.0 and MGE XL over what was in the overhaul it all worked fine. The overhaul is well worth it for all levels of mod users.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:22 pm

Only two of those are errors:
Better Bodies: install the non- pluginless version of better bodies if you want that error to disappear
Golden Gold: install the golden gold patch separately (right now it's merged in the main plugin).
Ah. Yacoby's pluginless BB then... Unless there's an ESP unique to Morrowind Overhaul I'm not sure what I can do with that error message and similar ones (if there's a unique Overhaul ESP I can rewrite the rules to only show that and similar warnings when it's not present). I don't really want to remove all those messages, from my test mod lists they're useful for some people.

So, Golden Gold is still called the same ("Golden Gold.esp"), how did you merge? Did you Combine Loaded Plugins in the Construction Set? Did you then run it through any cleaning tool (e.g. TES3CMD or TESTool)? If I can duplicate how you arrived at the ESP I can include a check for the ESP's filesize and not show the message if filesize matches that in Overhaul.

Or alternatively someone with the Overhaul could just let me know the file size (in Windows: right-click the file --> Properties and let me know the size in bytes (not "Size on disk")
Size: 71.3 KB (73,064 bytes)
Size on disk: 72.0 KB (73,728 bytes)

I could just download this myself but ~1.4 jiggybites is quite a lot :P
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:25 pm

Anything Special about installing the patches after we install 1.0?
or do they come with instructions (I mainly ask since im on steam)
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:54 am

Have one last texture issue. The pewter goblets, tankards, and pitchers are well.....screwed. Here's a pic:


If they're supposed to look like that, I'd be surprised, but still want them changed.

I've spent the last 3 hours trying to replace it, but I can't. I've done all I can to find which texture that is and I just can't find it. I'm out of ideas. Please help!
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:52 pm

Have one last texture issue. The pewter goblets, tankards, and pitchers are well.....screwed. Here's a pic:


If they're supposed to look like that, I'd be surprised, but still want them changed.

I've spent the last 3 hours trying to replace it, but I can't. I've done all I can to find which texture that is and I just can't find it. I'm out of ideas. Please help!

Unfortunately isn't a bug but the reflection's textures of these objects.
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:42 pm

Unfortunately isn't a bug but the reflection's textures of these objects.

Yeah, the next patch will have a replacer for those.
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:33 pm

Oh thanks!
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:34 am

Ah. Yacoby's pluginless BB then... Unless there's an ESP unique to Morrowind Overhaul I'm not sure what I can do with that error message and similar ones (if there's a unique Overhaul ESP I can rewrite the rules to only show that and similar warnings when it's not present). I don't really want to remove all those messages, from my test mod lists they're useful for some people.

So, Golden Gold is still called the same ("Golden Gold.esp"), how did you merge? Did you Combine Loaded Plugins in the Construction Set? Did you then run it through any cleaning tool (e.g. TES3CMD or TESTool)? If I can duplicate how you arrived at the ESP I can include a check for the ESP's filesize and not show the message if filesize matches that in Overhaul.

Or alternatively someone with the Overhaul could just let me know the file size (in Windows: right-click the file --> Properties and let me know the size in bytes (not "Size on disk")
Size: 71.3 KB (73,064 bytes)
Size on disk: 72.0 KB (73,728 bytes)

I could just download this myself but ~1.4 jiggybites is quite a lot :P

No there isn't an unique esp for the Overhaul :(
Anyway the size of Golden Gold is 2'537 bytes.

Anything Special about installing the patches after we install 1.0?
or do they come with instructions (I mainly ask since im on steam)

They come with the instructions :)
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:18 pm

Are you planning on doing an update for the overhaul anytime soon ? Just wondering as i have some stuff i am working on that you might be interested in eg some correct UV statics for Bloodmoon and some for Morrowind too and the latest version of texture fix for Morrowind for starters.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:12 pm

Are you planning on doing an update for the overhaul anytime soon ? Just wondering as i have some stuff i am working on that you might be interested in eg some correct UV statics for Bloodmoon and some for Morrowind too and the latest version of texture fix for Morrowind for starters.

Yes an update is planned, but I'll wait your updates before :D
Thanks for the advertisemant :)
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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:02 pm

Unfortunately isn't a bug but the reflection's textures of these objects.

Know of any fix, for the meantime? This is the last visual problem I have, then the game will be perfect.

Yeah, the next patch will have a replacer for those.

That's good to hear!
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:16 pm

Know of any fix, for the meantime? This is the last visual problem I have, then the game will be perfect.

You could delete the meshes of them, to find the names use the console :)
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:23 pm

You could delete the meshes of them, to find the names use the console :)

I'll try that! Thanks. :thumbsup:

EDIT: That worked! Thank you so much! :celebration:
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:03 pm

EDIT: That worked! Thank you so much! :celebration:

No problem :)

http://morrowindoverhaul.net/mgso/guide/eng/mo_persguide.pdf Updated!
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